Video Response to: “Morgellon’s – The Possible Result of Transhumanist Experiments”

Last June, I posted an article entitled “Morgellon’s – The Possible Result of Transhumanist Experiments”. Since then it has been re-posted by various others at their own blogs and web sites. I am glad it is a subject which is getting attention and so I welcome anyone to do so. I also welcome their added input to the topic since it is one which is utterly ignored in the mainstream and it remains up to us to put together what we have deduced about it.

Recently an individual did a Youtube critique on the article and, in response, there are some clarifications I would like to make about the information contained in it accordingly. It remains my responsibility to be as thorough and clear in what I have written as possible and so, if I have not been, let me try to remedy that.

Here is the original article:

Here is the Video critique of the article:

The Word “Disease”:

I have used the word “disease” to refer to the collective symptoms of Morgellons. “mfromcanada1” refutes the term as erroneous because Morgellons shows no evidence of being what is technically defined as a disease. I would agree and I have not used the term to imply that it is a contagious ailment or one which is acquired by transmission of pathogens. The word “disease” was perhaps an option I chose only out of convenience rather than technical precision.

Greater Numbers = Greater Attention and Recognition:

“mfromcanada1” states that this has not been the case. Perhaps not in the mainstream. I do not expect the medical industry to ever give the kind of attention to Morgellons that will ever ultimately be beneficial to its sufferers. The more attention comes with the general public, who are still the best hope and defense against this problem when it comes to research and spreading the word.

Subdermal Itching:

In mfromcanada1’s experience, there has not been itching but rather the sensation of movement, which I noted was common, and a throbbing sensation. Not all Morgellon’s sufferers have experienced exactly the same feelings and symptoms. Many, perhaps most sufferers I have read about claim an itching. Here are some links that speak on that:

I want to thank mfromcanada1 for adding the information on the abdominal sensations which, in my search, I had not come across yet. It may be that these fibers will form a mass in the stomach causing those sensations.

Size and Color of Fibers:

I termed the size of the fibers as “tiny”, which mfromcanada1 corrected me in saying that some are quite long. That is true and my description of “tiny” was directed more towards a description of how they are perceived from the surface of the skin as being small in diameter.

The colors that I listed came from the testimony of various sufferers and photos of the fibers available online. I, like most, have to rely upon the data provided by those who have had access to the fibers as I don’t have the condition nor does anyone I personally have access to. There may very well be many more colors I have never seen or heard of.

This is a video showing a yellow/amber fiber:

Here is a photo of a red one from:

Pushing their way through the skin: mfromcanada1 states that they are not pushing their way through the skin but embedded in and on the skin. They are embedded in the skin, however they move also according to the information provided by most sufferers. The fibers will sometimes seem to react to bathing in vinegar by “pouring” out of the skin.

Lesions: mfromcanada1 states that no lesions develop. Perhaps this is her experience, though others have experienced lesions.

photos from:

photo from:

It is reasonable that many lesions are caused by people themselves digging out the foreign matter but it does not appear that all these lesions develop this way.

“living with constant crawling, itching and biting sensations.
having skin lesions, some small and superficial, others deep non-healing wounds, which break out all over your body and extrude strange, unidentifiable fibers.
experiencing such cognitive and neurological decline that you are no longer able to work.
watching your children suffer from a disease that is not recognized and has no known cure.
going to your doctor for help and being told that your symptoms are purely psychosomatic.
feeling so physically ill, and feeling so completely alone and abandoned by medicine… ”

There is No Cure:

It has been thus far considered to be incurable, but I always believe there is an answer and I also believe that those researching it are able to find it. I just don’t believe that answer will come from doctors.

Segmentation of Fibers:

mfromcanada1 states that there are many many different kinds of fibers. I have no doubt this is so and I do not mean to imply that they are all segmented, but as I stated, what is usually seen or photographed is some variation of a strand which is hollow and appears to contain something that gives it a segmented appearance.

photos from:


mfromcanada1 states in a couple of places that the information provided is “disinformation”. I would just like to address what disinformation is and answer to that.

“Disinformation (a translation of the Russian word dezinformatsiya) is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.”

It is most certainly not the case that I or anyone who has written for TNL is intentionally spreading false information or attempting to further the propaganda that is a widespread agenda in all media these days. Our only wish is to supply what truth we have and what evidence we have as well as we can. Morgellons is not a condition which is touched in the mainstream, all the information I can give is what sufferers have given and my own theories based upon their evidence. If there is Misinformation, it is honest error, but there is certainly no disinformation.

Hollow Polysaccharide Filaments:

mfromcanada1 asks from where this information comes. Here is the source of that research:

“These banded motile strands can be a variety of colorations but always shades of brown to brown/black and clear to white. These fibers were named “sugar snakes” by a researcher who determined they were polysaccharide strands from tests he performed in the lab at SUNY at Stony Brook.”

Fruit Flies:

I have noted that many sufferers report being swarmed by fruit flies.mfromcanada1 says this has never happened to her, which may be so. It has been the experience of many others, though. Some links to the testimony of others:


I have stated that morgellons fibers come back positive for Agrobacteria Tumefaciens which mfromcanada1 states is not true. Perhaps because there is an assumption that what I am saying is that people are contracting a bacteria which causes Morgellons through natural communicable disease pathways. I am not. Agrobacteria is used in genetically modified food to transfer the genetic material of one organism into the cells of another. it is found in GMO produce.

“Vitaly Citovsky, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University in New York, discovered the fibers contained the substance Agrobacterium Tumafaciens, the bacteria causing crown gall disease in plants (formation of tumors in more than 140 species of dicot plants). It is a genus of gram-negative bacteria capable of genetically transforming not only plants, but also other eukaryotic species, including humans.

Anonymous samples were provided to Professor Citovsky by the Morgellon’s Research Foundation to use in investigating the potential presence of Agrobacterium Tumafaciens in biopsies from Morgellon’s patients. Control reactions included samples provided by healthy donors. Only Morgellons, not healthy subjects, tested positive for the bacterium in these studies.

Professor Citovsky issued a statement saying his observation does not imply that Agrobacterium Tumafaciens causes Morgellons, or that Morgellons is indeed an infectious disease. However, he has called for further study to determine (1) statistical significance of data, (2) whether the bacterium is not only present extracellularly, but also causes genetic transformation of the infected tissues, and (3) whether infection of laboratory animals with the bacterium can recreate symptoms of Morgellons.”

Learn more:


mfromcanada1 states it cannot be a bacteria because antibiotics do not work. First I want to say that this article does not propose that agrobacteria is the Cause of Morgellons. Genetic modification is being proposed as the cause and agrobacteria is simply the vector for the foreign DNA. Secondly, the bacteria, even if it were killed by antibiotics would not stop the symptoms of the fibers being present. Wikipedia says this concerning Agrobacteria:

“The genes to be introduced into the plant are cloned into a plant transformation vector that contains the T-DNA region of the disarmed plasmid, together with a selectable marker (such as antibiotic resistance) to enable selection for plants that have been successfully transformed. Plants are grown on media containing antibiotic following transformation, and those that do not have the T-DNA integrated into their genome will die. An alternative method is agroinfiltration.”

I would like to conclude by saying that I hope this information is taken for what it is, an attempt to help people and help make them make the connections they need to make to learn more. If it leads to better information than what I can currently deduce, that is the goal.

One commentor to the video replied: “In reading this article it almost seems as if they want to push the screws in psychologically to those who have Morgellons and those that love them. It seems it is designed to cause fear. I’m so glad you have such foresight and you can see thru their lies”

I admit I don’t understand that response or why it would ever be assumed we are trying to instill fear or lie. Check the evidence I have provided. If I am wrong, it is an honest error, but we, like all of you, are simply out there looking to find the answer. The more who are, the better the odds of one being found. I am glad for you, mfromcanada1, because you are searching for the truth and I hope you can see that we are only doing the same.

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5 Responses to “Video Response to: “Morgellon’s – The Possible Result of Transhumanist Experiments””

  1. A bout 2 years ago after picking up a stray cat I developed little pimples which rapidly turned into lesions. The most violent persistent itch in my life.My skin looked and felt like what paint stripper does to paint with little green red and purple worms or whatever they are. After trying my standard colloidal silver for several days my sores were growing.(this is weird silver kills everything) I searched diligently for days and the few pictures of morgellon’s with descriptions appeared to be what I had. Right down to the fibers.
    After viewing thousands of shots of skin problems I visited my VA Doc. Armed with questions, Skin cancer?Plague? Ebola? No. Good news he had no idea either.
    After making the copay for several goo’s I decided to run every fluke, parasite, virus etc. frequency using my almost forgotten RIFE Frequency generator.
    Also picked up a bottle of oil of Oregano on the way home which reduced the flame of the itch.I tried all the super goo’s on several areas while setting up my rife.only 1 had some drying effect.
    3 Days of intense Frequency only a tiny little remnant at each of 18 sores every place the cat clawed climbing up my leg across my belly and up my shoulder.
    They Chem trail on a big scale here and having seen vid’s of people collecting samples of rain and dew which grow morgellon’s
    my theory is that the cat picked it up( eggs?) and gave me tiny puncture’s.
    Also the doctor kept his distance.
    If you decide to investigate remember you have to flush what the therapy kills.It takes a lot of energy because you induce a serious detox.Green tea lemon in water, it worked for me and I am by no means a medical professional just deeply concerned for any one in this situation.

    • Hi Don,

      Thank you for your comment. It would not be a great surprise if this was being spread through multiple sources. The vector its delivered in very much seems to point in one direction, that it is genetic material delivered by way of a bacteria that injects foreign dna into the cells of a host.

      If you have the chance, watch the documentary “The Future of Food”. It explores what it takes to make genetically modified foods and its consequences. Of particular interest, it gives a very good explanation of agrobacteria and how it is used to create transgenic life. I believe this can also be delivered through chemtrailing and ground water. Anything inhaled, consumed or absorbed might potentially be used as a delivery system.

      Peace in Yahushua

      Prodigal Son

  2. Thank you for this new info. Just figured out thats what i have and have been reading everything i can about it…this is the best so far.

  3. Some girl Says: I found this website for the suffering he has been morgellon free for 3 years now….I have met people with different morgellon situations one person has 3 other neighbors with it, hmmm isn’t that interesting and it’s world wise. Some are saying RH- might get it more easily?

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