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An Angel Named Armoni : Sorcerers Then and Now

Posted in 09 : Global Enchantment with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 06/24/2010 by timenolonger

What would the world do if no one could any longer deny some uncomfortable information? How would people respond to knowing – without the ability to ignore it – that something which seemed so necessary to their lives had been introduced to Earth by a being who had opposed the Creator?

If information which had such deadly potential and consequences that the Creator has not only punished the rebel who brought it here, but has utterly condemned it’s use among mankind, has craftily become the normal way of things in the world, shouldn’t anyone want to know?

1 Enoch - RH Charles : Book CoverOf course they do not though, and people do have the ability to deny what they wish – but at what cost is willful denial of His warnings?

The book of Enoch, called 1 Enoch, describes a list of chiefs of angelic rebels and the area of knowledge which they possessed and taught to mankind.

It is not difficult for believers in YHWH to agree that Azazel teaching warfare to humanity was harmful to them, or that Barakyel, who taught what seems to be a description of divination by stars taught a forbidden thing.

There might be few who call themselves Christians who have a life which relies on things like warfare and astrology, but then there is one named Armers or Armoni, and this one, it is written, taught the remedies of sorcery. (1 Enoch 8:4)

This too, could be cause for little concern for those who understand sorcery as being some sort of long abandoned practice of magic, conjuring demons or casting spells, but this is a misunderstanding.

The name of this one fallen chief of the Watchers becomes the key to understanding what it is he really brought to earth and how it infects the whole world today perhaps more than ever.

The name Armoni or Harmoni is a derivative of the same word which the mountain of the Watchers descent (Hermon) is from: charam, which means a thing devoted or a thing dedicated to destruction, a curse or an oath.

The Greek manuscript of 1 Enoch renders this name: Pharmaros.

Pharmaros became the root of Greek words such as Pharmakeia, Pharmakon and Pharmakeus or Pharmakos, these likewise became the roots of English words like pharmacology and pharmaceutical and pharmacist.

The definition of the Greek words does not differ at all from the definitions of the English words which grew out of them.

Pharmakeia meant the making and the use of drugs, pharmakon meant drugs, and pharmakeus or pharmakon meant a druggist.

Scripture is very clear about YHWH’s view on the practice of pharmacology, it could not be made any more obvious that He despises its practice and looks unfavorably on those who would use “pharmakon”.

What has made the realizing of this difficult for readers of the canon of the bible, or even readers of 1 Enoch, is that in both instances the translations into English render the practice “sorcery”.

“And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries (pharmakeia) or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

– Revelation 9:21

“The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth. For by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived”

– Revelation 18:23

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers (pharmakeus), image worshippers, and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

– Revelation 21:8

“But outside are dogs and sorcerers (pharmakon) and sexually immoral and murderers and image worshippers, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”

– Revelation 22:15

We must make note that there is no distinction to be made that there is a difference between a use of these cursed things and the abuse of them.

It simply would make no sense to try to make such distinction where there is absolutely no basis in the text to do so, and no logical reasoning behind it either.

The whole world of this present age is devoted to relying on, profiting from, and consuming sorcery – which is nothing more, and has never been anything more, than the unnatural chemical concoctions which are made and prescribed for every sort of illness real and imagined, under the sun – otherwise known as drugs.

Scripture does not mention good ones as opposed bad ones, it does not mention too much as opposed to a an acceptable amount or a good reason as opposed to a less good reason to use them. It simply condemns them entirely.

What the world has been taught – which is part of a great lie to destroy spiritual understanding as well as physical health – is the following:

1 – That present day pharmacology is new and modern and a mark of human achievement.

2- That sorcery is a mystical and ancient practice which has nothing to do with physical applications or components.

3- That humanity was generally sicker, weaker and had shorter lives before the use of drugs as remedies became commonplace.

4- That there are some diseases which can only be treated with pharmaceuticals and anything else would be less effective or not effective at all.

5- That drugs are generally safe, or they would not be made available to people to use.

6- That living a life without drugs is impossible or at least will be a short life full of ailments.

What people do not realize is that this art of creating compounds of unnaturally combined chemicals, elements and isolates, originates before the great flood, and became ever after part of a body of secret knowledge which elite societies and mystery schools have kept – and they, if not the public, understand to this day that this is the root of that practice which has taken over the whole world.

Winged Caduceus Medical Symbol

Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians understood and practiced pharmacology and the link that it has with the beings that were worshiped as deities in their cultures (fallen angels) was obvious in the fact that these practices were taught and learned in temples and by priests.

Remedy has always been the focus of pharmacological medicine, as can be seen in the description of the Watcher who taught it (“Armers taught the remedies of sorcery”) and can be seen still in how it is used today.

Remedies, never prevention, because a prevention does not allow for the profit of those who make remedies. Compare this medicinal method to what is taught in the Word of YHWH. Guidelines in how to remain clean, laws regarding the touching of dead things or of the dead touching that which is used or eaten, the separation of the ill from the well – all of these things are preventative, which real medicine should always aim to be.

Asclepius : Vatican Museum

Asclepius : Vatican Museum

The physicians of ancient Greece were dedicated to the deity which represented remedies – Asclepius, who’s shrines were the centers of the medical practice of that culture.There they performed surgeries and even used anesthetic.

Spiritualism, and a connection with forces which operate outside of the human physical world – gods, angels and demons – have always been connected to pharmacology in the traditions of those who have practiced it. It is no different today.

The original Hippocratic oath begins this way:

“I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:”

It is maybe no coincidence that an oath sealed the decision of the rebel Watchers to co-mingle with human women, and to teach forbidden knowledge to them, or that the Watcher who specifically taught pharmacology is himself named in reference to an oath or devoted thing. Today an oath is still a part of becoming a practitioner of modern medicine.

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The Phoenix : The Watcher Rebellion

Posted in 04 : The Phoenix with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 04/22/2010 by timenolonger

Not many bible readers give a lot of thought to a man named Jared who lived in the sixth generation of mankind, descending from Seth. Indeed he was not notable, at least in scripture, for anything other than being the father of Enoch… it was what took place in his lifetime that would literally change the course of human history dramatically and forever.

Jared’s name itself is a memorial to the event, being translated from Yered… the name means “the descent”.. or “a descending”. Religious traditions of countless cultures all over the world testify to who or what descended… His Word of Truth answers that question also and does so with an accuracy that has been lost or purposely hidden in the various pagan cultures who echoed the historical event in their accounts.

YHWH created, not only a varied and interesting array of life on Earth, but also a varied and interesting array of spiritual life in heavenly realms. Amongst these beings which are collectively thought of as “angels” , is a certain type called the Iyrin. This word translates to “wakeful or watchful ones” or more commonly, “Watchers”.

These beings were stationed to be observers of creation to the end that they would be privileged to learn the mysteries of YHWH’s design and take a record of that which they observed for a testimony to all creatures of His perfection. A particular group of Watchers, 200 in all, were stationed to observe the Earth specifically under the leadership of one named Shemyhaza.

In the process of observing Earth, these 200 Watchers were witness to some amazing aspects of His creation which are commonplace for mankind, but to beings who had nothing comparable to them in their own existence, seemed incredibly fascinating.

The most fascinating aspect of all was the miracle of flesh creatures’ ability to procreate… and the most fascinating aspect in that detail was the human female. The human female was the nearest opposite sex creature to the Watchers themselves. No female or need for females existed in the world of angelic beings, but having seen such a creature as a woman, the leader of the 200 was captivated.

This interest might have remained an innocent, clinical fascination but for some influence which pushed this from a place of clinical interest to an obsession. There is fair evidence to suggest Azazel, a fallen angel who is interestingly implied to be the leader of these rebels in some instances in 1 Enoch, was that influence.

At the point where fascination became obsession, Shemyhaza led his 199 subordinates to descend to Earth at a precise geological point located at the summit of Mt Hermon. Here it was also, that the decision was made by him to cross the boundaries of his nature and propose that he and his subordinates take human wives and conceive children with them.

Shemyhaza being concerned that the others might change their minds and leave him with the burden of guilt, it was suggested to him that they all make a binding oath with one another that they would not turn back from the plan. This they did, and so the mountain, Hermon, is named to this day after that event… it’s name meaning “a curse”.

It is supposed sometimes that the Watchers had to take unwilling women and force them to comply with their demands to be a wife to them… but realistically, they had no difficulty finding willing participants. Just as the rich and famous and powerful men of this day have no difficulty finding partners.

Humanity was face to face with a collection of beings who had knowledge that had the power to make their lives easier… who had the means to give advantage to anyone who allied themselves with them… who were physically impressive and nearly indestructible, even in a flesh form.

Fathers were not as reluctant as they perhaps should have been to marry their daughters off to these Watchers in return for the prestige and advantage of being the “father in law” to an angel. Women were not as reluctant as they should have been to enter into marital union with a tall, blond, blue eyed creature that would elevate their lives to the equivalent of human “goddesses”.

The resulting offspring of these unions were huge… much larger than their own fathers’ physical forms, and so large, in fact that their appetites could not be satiated with all the food mankind had to offer them.

The giants then turned to eating animals… unheard of until that time… and then finally to eating humans. The giants themselves were not the only boundary crossed in hybrid life-forms.

The Watchers were also approached by their counterparts who had fallen in allegiance to Satan and who did not have the luxury of a physical presence in earth, and were requested by them to engineer body forms which they themselves could inhabit.

The creatures were the chimeras… made by genetic manipulation, they were variously part animal, part human, part animal, part angel, or a combination of different animal species, and all of the above. Not every chimera body was used as host for fallen angels.. but many were and hence comes the legends of “gods” having forms which were part animal and part humanoid.

Aside from the abominable breeding experiments, the Watchers also sinned in one other serious way… and that was teaching mankind the secrets of certain areas of knowledge which they had accumulated in their duty to observe and record the nature of His creation.

Often this is noted as being some kind of “magic” knowledge… what people do not readily understand by reading the descriptions of these secrets in the archaic way they are presented in 1 Enoch… is that these things are what we would find to be very ordinary, everyday fields of science and technology which are hailed as great accomplishments of mankind and seen as wonderful progress in this day and age.

The pre-flood world was no primitive scene… due to the Watchers intervention… it was a high tech and very advanced world utilizing technologies that would make some of those today look cumbersome and crude by comparison.

Man has not actually advanced… nor discovered great scientific finds… modern man has simply re-discovered or been re-introduced to very old knowledge in a rather incomplete fashion and instead of it being a virtue and a sign of progress… it is instead only causing mankind to become more lazy… less able to learn.. .less willing to rely on their Creator.

Human history might have ended here. Mankind as a pure species might have become entirely extinct and the world little by little descend into a state of irreconcilable ruin… but to prevent any of this, YHWH sent the flood.

Prior to the deluge, the nephilim were turned on one another in an incited civil war and the rebellious Watchers were detained and forced to witness the deaths of their children and then they, themselves were bound and imprisoned in subterranean cells to await the last days.

As believers we should not so lightly dismiss the warning that the last days would be like the days of Noah prior to the flood.

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