Archive for alien abduction

Modern Nephilim: Addressing the Pink Elephant

Posted in 05 : Generations X with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 07/24/2011 by timenolonger

In the recent years, a genuinely good thing has happened in the body of Messiah. Many believers have begun to take the lesser taught sections of His word seriously, and search them out in light of the things taking place in the world now.

Since we can sadly track the degradation of church leadership, it’s encouraging when there’s a revival of basic biblical study.

This has led many Christians to take a second look at obscure prophecies and records like 1 Enoch, Jubilees and certain long overlooked passages in the canon.

Multitudes now understand what nephilim are and where they came from.

I’ve been waiting for the backlash though… Satan never lets a genuinely good thing slide by without having a stab at it.

As often happens when some piece of information comes to light on a growing scale, there come those who set themselves center stage to address the issue and become the loud voices of “authority” on the matter.

The subject of modern nephilim has attracted its own center-stagers… their foremost claimed purpose being to minister to victims of alien abduction and SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse).

I can’t possibly speculate on the true intentions of those who have taken on this… YHWH knows them, but I have serious concerns with the results.

I also won’t bother to name the sources of what I’ve read. They aren’t difficult sources to find on the internet, and most likely anyone really wanting to know could find out – I just have a personal hesitation to sling names.

Aside from this, the big sources I have found backing the opinions I’ll address almost certainly are followed by many lesser known personalities who have adopted the view point.

First, to clarify my own standing on these questions:

Are there people of nephilim descent alive on earth currently?

Yes. I’d find it difficult to not call the alternative impossible by looking at the Bible alone for evidence. Scripture pointedly calls the inhabitants of the Promised Land at the time of Israel’s arrival “nephilim”. They were not all eradicated. What else could happen but that they absorbed into the world population?

Is there a current resurgence of fallen angels procreating in some fashion with human women?

The evidence says yes. The testimony of countless victims of abduction scenarios, black op programs and SRA, coupled with more than one plainly stated Biblical prophecy concerning just this situation in the end times, must reasonably be weightier than the academic speculation of those who deny it.

Is there salvation possible for those of nephilim descent?

Most people should probably hope so if the answer to question 1 is valid… and based on the following verse alone, I’d answer yes:

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is immersed will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned.”

– Mark 16:15,16

This stand on the subject (particularly in combination) seems to be a pretty unpopular one.

The loud voices in the arena have uniformly taken positions which do not have to deal with extending unsavory notions of salvation to “abominations”… nor having to face any individual with a message of unavoidable condemnation.

The first idea is contradictory to human nature… the second idea is contradictory to Christianity. There seems to be a fence that’s being ridden to death in this matter.

The loudest voice out there has what is termed a “Ministry” that is set forth as one offering a message of hope to those who have claimed to be nephilim, or descended from such.

This outreach counsels those who have testimony of abduction experiences, women who have claimed to have been impregnated by fallen angels, etc.

At first glance, it appears like something its not. The message is emblazoned across the site boldly proclaiming salvation for these people. Prepare to be confused if you keep reading the site though… finally it declares that no such things exist.

It is, perhaps, the most pointless declaration of the gospel I’ve ever seen. It reaches an anticlimax of none effect as it denies the claims of those who have come for counseling. It concludes in a negation of its own existence on the internet by basically stating “nephilim can be saved… because there aren’t any.”

The same group which is behind the above mentioned site, has as its explanation for the testimony of abductions a completely fabricated “vision” given to abductees.

A vision given to the end that the combined effort of smoke and mirrors will result in people who are either 1. rejecting of those they believe are nephilim or 2. people who believe they have no chance of redemption because they are nephilim.

There is no effort made to provide better evidence for this view at all. It’s simply stated as a “belief”. Beliefs, I’ve come to realize, are worthless things to have.

I don’t think Christians “believe” in a Creator, We Know there is One. We have good evidence of it in our own experience. A belief is a whim without evidence, something that just “sounds right”.

On the other hand, there are these individuals who have experienced things first hand, things which are incredibly difficult for them to bring to public light, especially when it is wrapped around concerns of their own salvation. As I see it, no one who has no first hand evidence of their own needs to add their speculation to the scales when the evidence is weighed.

There have been plenty of rebuttals which have come forth from various sources addressed to those who put forth the above site and theories.

These generally take seriously the claims of abductees and SRA victims (which is good).

They do believe there is a current resurgence in the admixture of fallen angel and human, though they do not seem to want to approach the issue of an ongoing lineage of such in the world. There’s a good reason for this… so far I have not seen a single source argue that there is a salvation option for any existing hybrids.

If any of these sources were to maintain that position in light of the possibility of actually meeting any… that would certainly put them in a rough spot. There’s probably little hope for the ministry who would condemn a person because they believed them to be hybrid.

One source neatly covered the issue by simply stating that hybrids do exist – But if a person was even interested in coming to salvation… that Must mean they are not hybrid.

That, again, stands on speculation. Is there some way this person could possibly know the ability of anyone but himself to want salvation?
Even the fallen Watchers pleaded with Enoch to petition YHWH on their behalves. What would make every single nephil uninterested in reconciliation to the Creator?

It’s a big Pink Elephant.

There are uncomfortable ideas in all of this and people really don’t like to address uncomfortable ideas. Generally an “us and them” mentality feels best to human nature.

If there’s no “them”, people tend to feel there’s less to esteem about “us”. It’s having to face the blackness of our own individual sins that makes it uncomfortable to put “them”on equal footing in some way. It’s more a comfort to tiptoe around some glaring evidence, to deny a necessity to address some point by simply speculating it out of existence.

If someone out there Really wants to be a ministry to help these people, it’s going to mean facing the elephant, regardless of what it looks like to the popular mind set.

As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.

And in the days of these kings ‘Eloah of the sky will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people.

It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

– Daniel 12: 43,44

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Alien Spiritual Mentoring?

Posted in 08 : The Alien Lie with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/13/2010 by timenolonger

Sure.. this is just what the world needs. There seems to be a growing interest in what aliens might have to offer in the realm of spiritual advice and teaching.

Let’s not forget for a moment that the world has literally been under the spiritual mentor-ship of “aliens” for nearly all of human history, and the result of that has been a slow and steady decline of morality and a wider and wider gulf between man and his Maker.

Thanks to “alien” intervention in spiritual instruction, the world now has thousands upon thousands of pagan religions from which to choose… a flavor for every palate… which interestingly enough all lead down to the same foundational precepts, and all omit the vital truths which actually do have power to form a relationship between the Creator and a human being.

Surely the open appearance of creatures claiming to be creators will have a ready and willing audience in today’s society, which is hungry for some “new” teaching on the meaning of life and a doctrine of divine human destiny that is easy for pride to swallow… not to mention a message which relieves sinners of their responsibility to their own actions and their own need to be made clean before a Righteous Creator.

“Enemy Mine, a 1985 science fiction film derived from an award-winning 1979 novella, depicts an intergalactic war between human beings and an alien race called the Drac. Marooned by their battle-damaged space fighters on an isolated, inhospitable planet, a Drac and a man start off as enemies. Out of survival necessity, however, they make a wary peace.

Eventually, the two become the dearest of friends. The Drac shows a sense of his own spirituality and the divine. The Drac reads frequently from a small book of religious/philosophical text, and often ponders the larger questions of life, speaking about them with his newfound human companion.

Ultimately, the alien’s faith and friendship motivate the human being to consider something other than his prestige as a top-scoring fighter pilot focused solely on advancing his military career. The alien reminds the man that life is so much more than just a scramble for conquest and material success. The human being is much better off for having
learned to respect and even love an alien as a being of great faith and

Another example of speculative fiction that directly addresses spirituality is the Green Stone of Healing series. It features an intelligent non-human being, known as a Mist-Weaver, who exhibits capabilities that human beings more readily ascribe to angels or the supernatural. The Mist-Weaver is able to appear and dissolve at will, transitioning from material to non-material realities in much the same manner as the divine heralds of earthly religious traditions.

As would an angel, the Mist-Weaver takes a physical form to converse easier with the human characters. The Mist-Weaver clearly has a profound sense of the divine and his connection to it and to all life, and tries to encourage that spiritual connection in his human counterparts. But his spiritual teachings often leave them baffled because they are very different from human understanding. The Mist-Weaver’s presence spurs his human students to examine the limitations of their faith and their spiritual understanding, just as the burning bush, signaling God’s presence, presented Moses with challenges of faith and self-growth.” Unexplained Mysteries

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The Alien That Isn’t So Alien

Posted in 08 : The Alien Lie with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/08/2010 by timenolonger

The secular world is “free” to pick and choose what they believe because to them, an opinion is as good as a fact and truth has no absolute boundaries.

As believers in unchangeable truth, followers of Yahushua have, more than any other group in the world, an obligation to be entirely objective when seeking an answer.

We aren’t after fantasies that fulfill our dreams, we’re after The Truth.

Regardless, as flawed as all people are, even believers forget to apply logic to their world view in some matters.

It is a matter strongly supported by evidence, but one which Yahushua’s people often do not feel comfortable approaching… the presence of “alien” entities in this world.

About 6% of all people claim to have witnessed a UFO themselves. About 1% have claimed to have actually been abducted…that’s 60,000,000 people who have claimed to have been taken by force by alien entities.

Add to this the multitudes of UFO depictions in art, photography and in written records from ancient times to this day, and what is arrived at is a point at which one must rationally admit that there is something to this.

An irrational religious objection will not bring us to any understanding, it will just give us a means to ignore something which begs investigation.

There are a multitude of sources who claim to have the answers and you will not have any difficulty finding many web sites devoted to the discussion of various “alien races”, often which cite that their information derives itself from either government agents or the aliens themselves.

I will remind readers, however, that it is no less irrational to formulate an answer to these things based on information coming out of a government you would not trust (and who obviously have a reason to veil the matter from public attention), than it is to dismiss the subject entirely.

It is also not wise to assume that the creatures themselves (aliens) are beings of such impeccable integrity as to their own nature or goals.

I would not recommend the vast majority of speculations or claims on who or what those beings are.

The most recognizable depiction of an alien is a “Grey”… that is, a frail looking, grey-skinned creature with a large head and big black eyes.

There is great evidence that such creatures as this exist, having even been photographed on many occasions, and being the most often reported creature type in events of alien abduction.

What I would disagree with in regards to the assumed nature of Greys though, is that they are alien at all.

They don’t derive from Zeta Reticuli or Sirius, or from any other far away place in the universe… they are natives to earth, though not natural natives.

The nature of the Grey is one of a fairly ordinary substance… a flesh and “blood”, and utterly mortal, creature who can be killed and dissected.

This has been done and has been photographed on occasion. Their remains have been recovered from craft wreckage and – though they clearly might have certain attributes that are advantageous against the average human being (such as telepathic ability or an ability to paralyze their victim) – they are not what one might think of as a really impressive specimen of otherworldly origin.

If we recall that it is no matter of science fiction that there exists an ability, even in the modern human world, to create transgenic life forms (creatures who are mixtures of two or more species), then we are nearer to knowing what is going on with the entity called a “Grey”.

Beings which are truly Alien to earth are beings which exist extra-dimensionally, and which can not simply appear at whim in the physical space and time wherein humans live.

It requires effort, and that effort can not be indefinitely sustained. This problem has always required a solution for those entities who would make contact here.

With the exception of the descent of the Watchers, who were permitted a certain liberty of physical presence in the earth, Aliens – who are exactly what people would call angels – have sought various means to bridge the dimensional gap.

One method has remained a favorite – and that is a well-suited, manufactured physical housing which has no contradictory, self-aware will of it’s own.

The fallen angels, in alignment with Satan, utilized transgenic life forms manufactured in the genetic experiments of the rebel Watchers.

Ancient Egyptian depictions of these beats/humanoid “gods” are the best known representations of the pre-flood occurrence of transgenic host bodies.

Now in this modern age we see Greys which, although they have a frail humanoid body, have heads which much more resemble those of insects.

The ancient images of the transgenic “gods” of Egypt also had their bestial physicality, for the most part, limited to their heads while their bodies remained humanoid.

Insects of certain species live according to a “hive” or “colony” consciousness.

A type of collective consciousness in which the New Age philosophy is deeply vested, is a group mind set which is actually a reality in bee hives and ant colonies.

This sort of collectivism is touted among the New Agers as a wonderful thing… a way we can all be “One”, and therefor more at peace with each other… but as we all know, hives and colonies all have their Queen to whose commands they are bound.

The individual with a hive-mind is of no great consequence to the collective, nor even to an individual themselves… which makes them very useful tools and, having no real will power, easy hosts for invading spirits.

Greys are Manufactured Housing for Fallen Spirits

Bees are the Hive-Minded Models for Alien Greys

The reports of Greys paralyzing their victims or displaying a greatly disproportionate amount of strength in relation to their size are aspects which also relate to insect attributes.

Ants are known for their ability to carry things which are much larger than themselves, and various insects are equipped with paralyzing venom.

The presence of a fallen angelic or demonic entity residing within a Grey host explains the repeated accounts of the use of telepathic communication.

In short, there is good evidence available to suggest that Greys are transgenic hybrids which are lab-created on the earth, and used on the earth specifically to facilitate contact between humankind and the real aliens out there.

What is often termed, the “accident” of a UFO crashing in Roswell is connected to a long list of incredible improbabilities for anything which occurred by accident.

Without going into the details at length in this article, the Roswell event occurred at such a precise geological location, and at such a precise time, that it could logically be presumed to be intentional.

But if we are dealing with a super-intelligent alien species in the Greys, one would wonder why there would have been dead greys pulled from the wreckage of an intentional crash.

Either they are given to suicide missions, or they are considered disposable by those who are actually in control.

It is important to note that in many cases of encounters with beings regarded as aliens (whether actually greys or not) …many have successfully halted the attempted abduction by demanding the entities leave in the name of Yahushua (Jesus).

Certainly we would not expect this method to have any effect if these creatures were simply extraterrestrial flesh life forms… we would however, expect this in matters of spiritual warfare against fallen angels and demons.

No matter what they might want you to believe they are… they know who He is and they fear Him.

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