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Mermaids, Sound Weapons and Government Cover-Ups | Updated and Compelling Evidence

Posted in 07 : The Ruling Controllers with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/29/2012 by timenolonger

Wondering what in the underwater world is going on? So are we.

Exactly two months ago, on March 29th, 2012, in response to the original Animal Planet piece, “Mermaids: The Body Found, we here at Time No Longer posted a short article, “Mermaids, Sound Weapons and Government Cover-Ups” on our social network site,

With the Discovery Channel’s Sunday, May 27th re-release (?) of “Mermaids: The Body Found,” and the earnest, growing interest in the subject, we have re-posted our original article here on the blog, along with new and intriguing additional  information.

Take a good breath – we’re diving right in to the deep end of reality…


[Editor’s Note]

[Original Article – May 29th, 2012]

This Discussion is posted in response to the video added here:

[This video has since been removed from YouTube.]

As Interesting as the Story Itself are the Facts Behind It.

I have been doing searches on the people and topics surrounding the NOAA mermaid research and there is, without a doubt, a pretty successful campaign to obliterate all information of it from the internet.

First, there is the website of the NOAA scientist, Dr. Paul Robertson.

And the website “The real Evidence on Mermaids, From Dr. Paul Robertson,NOAA”

And the website “Mermaids are Real, Real Evidence From Dr. Paul Robertson, NOAA”

You will notice a similar result clicking all those links:

The only information left on the internet concerning the research of this phenomenon is the Animal Planet special itself, a Wikipedia entry calling that program a “mockumentary” ( ) and various bloggers, youtube members or forum posters speaking on the topic.

[Update:  May 29th, 2012 – Wikipedia’s entry was modified today.  The original entry described the piece as a ‘mockumentary’ but now has been edited to contain substantially less data, and refers to the film as ‘docufiction’.

[Update:  June 1st, 2012 – Wikipedia’s “Mermaids:  The Body Found” page was created on March 26th, 2012, by “User:Reese457“.  The original post is quite different than the terse May 29th version.  View the entire Draft copy on Wikipedia here:

From the Draft:  “Mermaids: The Body Found is a two hour special set to air on Animal Planet in the Spring of 2012. The film follows the story of a scientific team’s investigative efforts to uncover the source behind mysterious underwater recordings and an unidentified marine body. In this film, two former National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists Dr. Paul McCormick and Rebecca Davis tell their story on camera for the first time. After investigating mass strandings of whales, the team claimed to have recorded mysterious underwater noises coming from an unknown source. This sound resembled a sound previously recorded in 1977, called the “bloop”. They also claimed to have recovered 30% of the remains of an unknown creature from inside a great white shark which was said to possess attributes of the human body. They alleged that the marine creature had hands, not fins, and the hip structure of an upright animal. These findings, along with many others led the team to determine that this unknown animal was very closely related to humans- possibly a mermaid. To explain the possible origins of mermaids, the team explores a controversial theory called The Aquatic Ape Theory which provides an alternative explanation to human evolution.”

One of Reese457’s Draft sources includes an interesting piece of news from ““, titled, “Mermaid Sightings Claimed in Israel“, dated for back in August 13th, 2009, which relates the following:

“Locals and tourists in the Israeli town of Kiryat Yam have been flocking to the coast in hopes of glimpsing a creature that most people believe only exist in fairy tales.

An alleged mermaid, said to resemble a cross between a fish and a young girl, only appears at sunset. It performs a few tricks for onlookers before disappearing for the night.

One of the first people to see the mermaid, Shlomo Cohen, said, “I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought she was just another sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail.”

The sightings apparently began several months ago.”

The current Wikipedia entry for “Mermaids:  The Body Found” has been extensively edited since the re-release, with the current entry of only 10 lines.  View the article’s edit history here:]

Many of those speaking on it [The original “Mermaids: The Body Found”] have come to the conclusion that it is “debunked” based mostly on the claim that Dr. Paul Robertson and a marine biologist by the name of Brian McCormick do not exist.

They are hard to find, but they do exist.

Here is an excerpt from a document by the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, which research is affiliated with NOAA according to the document, and lists Brian McCormick as one individual who contributed to the project.

“The NBNERR Site Profile was made possible through the help of many individuals. Notable contributors and the expertise that they provided include… Sincere thanks also goes to current and former NBNERR staff members who assisted with materials presented in this document, but who did not individually author any of the chapters. These individuals include Robert Stankelis, Kristen Van Wagner, Jennifer West, Matthew Rehor, Kimberly Botelho, Brian McCormick, Alan Beck, and especially Roger Greene…

This publication is sponsored by the NOAA Estuarine Reserves Division and the State of Rhode Island. This publication is also sponsored in part by Rhode Island Sea Grant under NOAA Grant No. NA040AR4170062. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the NBNERR, NOAA, or any of its sub-agencies. The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon.”

[Screenshot:  Note the web address and document title.  McCormick’s name appears just above the lighthouse picture.]

And here is an excerpt from a document on the minutes of a Devils Lake water improvement district meeting. Listed as staff:

“STAFF: Paul Robertson, Seth Lenaerts, RARE Participant”

and affiliated with NOAA:

“Seid Creek: Green asked what is expected as the outcome on this issue. Robertson said nothing has occurred. NOAA previously said they were going to do a site inspection in March. Follow-ups have gone unanswered. Robertson asked if a letter from the Board would be effective. He explained that this is a construction site that has been filling debris above wetlands. Last year, a lot of it slid down into the wetlands. DSL has turned away from any enforcement action and the Corps never investigated. Robertson said it appears that Seid Creek is a watershed similar to Thompson Creek. Green asked for Robertson to continue making calls rather than the Board writing a letter just yet.”

[Screenshot:  Note the web address and document title.  Robertson’s name appears to the right of  ‘Staff’.]

Why, among all “conspiracy” related topics would this be the one that was so highly attacked?

There are certainly elements of well accepted mainstream beliefs that might be shattered with the knowledge of aquatic humanoids. The aquatic ape theory is so poorly presented that even very adamant evolutionists could not help but feel shamed to preach it and it would not suffice to halt the questions about the accepted ideas of how life came to be on Earth.

That is not the answer all by itself though. There is something else that should not be lost on the viewer amidst the more sensational news of mermaids. The weaponized “sonar” which the Navy had allegedly invented is surely a serious issue if it were publicly recognized.

I am not sure that Ibelieve this weapon is Naval or is an advanced sonar weapon. We know there are sound weapons now and we know they can be lethal. They are not just a threat to wildlife in the Oceans, they are a threat to people on land as they have the capacity to be used not just in an aquatic environment but anywhere.

The USC sections sited on the shut down sites are those pertaining to making fraudulent or fictitious claims against the government. Those so-called fictitious claims almost certainly relate to the sound weapon mentioned. They are working hard to hide this and I wonder what we can do to make it less hidden…

[End Original Article]


Sound weapons aside, for now, let’s see if we can first distill the murky waters of ‘real mermaids’…

If you haven’t seen this video yet, please view it now, and pay particular attention to the shape, size and mannerisms of the curious creatures captured herein:

Now, let’s venture even farther out into the turbulent seas of mermaid evidence with well-known, long-time master dive instructor, Jeff Leicher, as he introduces us to the fascinating Kaiwi Point Mermaid…

The following was taken from Jeff’s website, Jack’s Diving Locker:

KAILUA-KONA, HAWAII – For more than 50 years, people have reported seeing a mermaid off the coast of Hawaii’s Big Island. But the sightings were never taken seriously — until a dive-boat captain finally captured the half-woman, half-fish on film!

Dive master Jeff Leicher, 43, photographed the creature known as the “Kaiwi Point Mermaid” on April 12, 1998, as he and six other divers were exploring the ocean bottom about 20 minutes off Hawaii’s sunny Kona coast. 

“I’d heard about her before,” says Leicher, who operates Jack’s Diving Locker. “Most of us who are out in these waters regularly have heard stories. But I’d never seen her until that morning.

“We were on our way out to the point when a school of dolphins started following the boat, playing in our wake. Suddenly one of the men on the port side starts yelling and pointing.

“I couldn’t believe what I saw. There, not 10 feet from the bow, was what looked like a nude woman.

“She had long flowing hair and one of the most beautiful faces I’ve ever seen.

“But there’s no way a human being could be swimming so fast. She was keeping right up with the dolphins.

Image of mermaid was captured on film as she swam above divers exploring the ocean bottom on April 12. Photo ©1998 Jeff Leicher

“Then she leapt into the air and my heart almost gave out on me. The entire lower half of her was covered with scales and tapered back into a huge fish tail.

“She jumped once more, then disappeared under the surface.”

All 10 people on the boat witnessed the bizarre incident. But there was another incredible surprise still ahead.

“About an hour later we arrived at the point and we were diving. I was photographing some colorful fish with my underwater camera.

“Suddenly I felt something brush against my right leg. She shot by me like a streak of lightning, then turned and came back past me, swimming the other way. I just aimed the camera and started snapping pictures.

“I kept shooting as she broke for the surface and swam away.”

Weekly World News had Leicher’s pictures analyzed by three noted photography labs. All three say the photos are genuine and have not been tampered with. 

The photos of the Kaiwi Point mermaid have been studied and authenticated by experts. Photo ©1998 Jeff Leicher

“I feel very lucky that I’m the one to finally prove to the world what people here have known for half a century,” says Leicher.

“The Kaiwi Point Mermaid is real.” 

Jeff’s Kaiwi Point Mermaid photographs appear stunningly similar to the Coral Reef Mermaids in the video.

More to come…


UPDATE: May-31-2012

What is the Goal of the Discovery Channel?

The initial release of “Mermaids, The Body Found” seemed out of place in the mainstream. We do not usually expect such sources to put forth honest information on anything which involves government secrecy. There was obviously dishonesty put forth in the form the ridiculous aquatic ape theory and the program itself was dubbed a “mockumentary” by Wikipedia.

What is Animal Planet Mocking?

Perhaps the wish that many have to see someone in the forefront be genuinely interested in disclosing some things that we have known or suspected all along. Or perhaps the mockery of real people who have investigated these things and been subsequently silenced and discredited by the establishment.

Regarding anything which is put under the label “conspiracy theory”, the media and entertainment industry has done its job in supplying the skeptics with ammunition against objective consideration of these things. “You watch too much television” is an effective termination to a conversation about UFO’s, Montauk, MKULTRA or any one of a number of other topics.

The sites which supposedly supplied information on the topic of mermaids and the sound weapons researched by the scientists are apparently owned by Discovery Channel, themselves. Why might they go this far? The easy answer might be greed, and that they conducted what amounts to a “marketing ploy”. Incongruous to that idea is the fact that we do continue to hear reports of marine mammals dying in the same way described in the program. We can find marine scientists with the names supplied in it and we are already aware of the technological potential of the US military for weapons which exceed anything called science fiction.

The sensational nature of the existence of mermaids attracted the most attention, though from my perspective it was never the most intriguing point. I was not in doubt of the existence of aquatic transgenics before Animal Plane,t and so what became more interesting to me was “What weaponry would be so beyond the belief or acceptance of the public that there would be such a strategic effort to conceal it?”

The question that remains for me is; “What grain of truth might the establishment have attempted to bury within a massively hyped web of distraction which will remain in the memories of countless people as a marketing hoax?” If you are already aware that the Powers that Be regularly play this game, you will be watching for the little loose threads of truth to follow in the future.

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Modern Nephilim: Addressing the Pink Elephant

Posted in 05 : Generations X with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 07/24/2011 by timenolonger

In the recent years, a genuinely good thing has happened in the body of Messiah. Many believers have begun to take the lesser taught sections of His word seriously, and search them out in light of the things taking place in the world now.

Since we can sadly track the degradation of church leadership, it’s encouraging when there’s a revival of basic biblical study.

This has led many Christians to take a second look at obscure prophecies and records like 1 Enoch, Jubilees and certain long overlooked passages in the canon.

Multitudes now understand what nephilim are and where they came from.

I’ve been waiting for the backlash though… Satan never lets a genuinely good thing slide by without having a stab at it.

As often happens when some piece of information comes to light on a growing scale, there come those who set themselves center stage to address the issue and become the loud voices of “authority” on the matter.

The subject of modern nephilim has attracted its own center-stagers… their foremost claimed purpose being to minister to victims of alien abduction and SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse).

I can’t possibly speculate on the true intentions of those who have taken on this… YHWH knows them, but I have serious concerns with the results.

I also won’t bother to name the sources of what I’ve read. They aren’t difficult sources to find on the internet, and most likely anyone really wanting to know could find out – I just have a personal hesitation to sling names.

Aside from this, the big sources I have found backing the opinions I’ll address almost certainly are followed by many lesser known personalities who have adopted the view point.

First, to clarify my own standing on these questions:

Are there people of nephilim descent alive on earth currently?

Yes. I’d find it difficult to not call the alternative impossible by looking at the Bible alone for evidence. Scripture pointedly calls the inhabitants of the Promised Land at the time of Israel’s arrival “nephilim”. They were not all eradicated. What else could happen but that they absorbed into the world population?

Is there a current resurgence of fallen angels procreating in some fashion with human women?

The evidence says yes. The testimony of countless victims of abduction scenarios, black op programs and SRA, coupled with more than one plainly stated Biblical prophecy concerning just this situation in the end times, must reasonably be weightier than the academic speculation of those who deny it.

Is there salvation possible for those of nephilim descent?

Most people should probably hope so if the answer to question 1 is valid… and based on the following verse alone, I’d answer yes:

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is immersed will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned.”

– Mark 16:15,16

This stand on the subject (particularly in combination) seems to be a pretty unpopular one.

The loud voices in the arena have uniformly taken positions which do not have to deal with extending unsavory notions of salvation to “abominations”… nor having to face any individual with a message of unavoidable condemnation.

The first idea is contradictory to human nature… the second idea is contradictory to Christianity. There seems to be a fence that’s being ridden to death in this matter.

The loudest voice out there has what is termed a “Ministry” that is set forth as one offering a message of hope to those who have claimed to be nephilim, or descended from such.

This outreach counsels those who have testimony of abduction experiences, women who have claimed to have been impregnated by fallen angels, etc.

At first glance, it appears like something its not. The message is emblazoned across the site boldly proclaiming salvation for these people. Prepare to be confused if you keep reading the site though… finally it declares that no such things exist.

It is, perhaps, the most pointless declaration of the gospel I’ve ever seen. It reaches an anticlimax of none effect as it denies the claims of those who have come for counseling. It concludes in a negation of its own existence on the internet by basically stating “nephilim can be saved… because there aren’t any.”

The same group which is behind the above mentioned site, has as its explanation for the testimony of abductions a completely fabricated “vision” given to abductees.

A vision given to the end that the combined effort of smoke and mirrors will result in people who are either 1. rejecting of those they believe are nephilim or 2. people who believe they have no chance of redemption because they are nephilim.

There is no effort made to provide better evidence for this view at all. It’s simply stated as a “belief”. Beliefs, I’ve come to realize, are worthless things to have.

I don’t think Christians “believe” in a Creator, We Know there is One. We have good evidence of it in our own experience. A belief is a whim without evidence, something that just “sounds right”.

On the other hand, there are these individuals who have experienced things first hand, things which are incredibly difficult for them to bring to public light, especially when it is wrapped around concerns of their own salvation. As I see it, no one who has no first hand evidence of their own needs to add their speculation to the scales when the evidence is weighed.

There have been plenty of rebuttals which have come forth from various sources addressed to those who put forth the above site and theories.

These generally take seriously the claims of abductees and SRA victims (which is good).

They do believe there is a current resurgence in the admixture of fallen angel and human, though they do not seem to want to approach the issue of an ongoing lineage of such in the world. There’s a good reason for this… so far I have not seen a single source argue that there is a salvation option for any existing hybrids.

If any of these sources were to maintain that position in light of the possibility of actually meeting any… that would certainly put them in a rough spot. There’s probably little hope for the ministry who would condemn a person because they believed them to be hybrid.

One source neatly covered the issue by simply stating that hybrids do exist – But if a person was even interested in coming to salvation… that Must mean they are not hybrid.

That, again, stands on speculation. Is there some way this person could possibly know the ability of anyone but himself to want salvation?
Even the fallen Watchers pleaded with Enoch to petition YHWH on their behalves. What would make every single nephil uninterested in reconciliation to the Creator?

It’s a big Pink Elephant.

There are uncomfortable ideas in all of this and people really don’t like to address uncomfortable ideas. Generally an “us and them” mentality feels best to human nature.

If there’s no “them”, people tend to feel there’s less to esteem about “us”. It’s having to face the blackness of our own individual sins that makes it uncomfortable to put “them”on equal footing in some way. It’s more a comfort to tiptoe around some glaring evidence, to deny a necessity to address some point by simply speculating it out of existence.

If someone out there Really wants to be a ministry to help these people, it’s going to mean facing the elephant, regardless of what it looks like to the popular mind set.

As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.

And in the days of these kings ‘Eloah of the sky will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people.

It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

– Daniel 12: 43,44

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GenPets: Showing Us the Depths of Moral Irresponsibility

Posted in 05 : Generations X with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 09/08/2010 by timenolonger

Shocking and bizarre could sum up a reasonable reaction to a little oddity known as a “GenPet”. Upon coming across this strange… invention, one is caught between a sense of disbelief on multiple levels, and a sort of nauseous realization that something like this really Could happen in this day and age.

If you visit the GenPet’s website: you will find this description of the product that is being advertised:

“Say Hello to the all New Genpets™ from Bio.Genica! The Genpets™ are Pre-Packaged, Bioengineered pets implemented today!

That’s right, Genpets are not toys or robots. They are living, breathing genetic animals.

We use a process called “Zygote Micro Injection” which is quickly becoming a favorable method to combine DNA, or to insert certain proteins from different species. Most notably it was used in 1997 to splice mice with bioluminescent jellyfish and has since been used to create glowing rabbits, pigs, fish, and monkeys. Since then, human DNA has been injected into rabbits, chimpanzees, spider DNA into sheep, and now, Genpets have arrived!…

We’ve gone one step further by packaging the Genpets™ into plastic packages unlike any other. Each Genpet™ package has a fully functional heart rate monitor and Fresh Strip to better gauge the state of each pet while it lies in its hibernation state…

From there we’ve broken it down even further. While each Genpet may look the same, really they aren’t. Each Genpet™ comes with a color-coded personality. For example, a child that wishes to have a Genpet™ that is very energetic would choose a Red Genpet™ (see features section for details).

Engineered DNA, engineered personalities, and engineered lifespan, it doesn’t come any better than that. Bio-Genica has you covered on all bases. Just leave the details to us.”

Here is a picture of one of these…things…

Gen Pet

The GenPets creations have made it to store front windows and galleries where they illicited reactions from people which might only be called reasonable in light of what was being advertised as a great alternative to a toy for anyone’s youngster.

“Genpets seems to create a reaction wherever they go. While in the store window of Iodine Toronto, the shop owner began sleeping in the store as many nights, people would bang at the windows furiously. Some in protest of the small Bio-genetically engineered creatures trapped in plastic…”

While other reactions… most notably from the up and coming generation were much more accepting…

“some wanting to wake them up or buy them. Hordes of teens wanting a bioengineered pet met confused, baffled, or even shocked looks from parents.”

Well… now that you’ve been thoroughly disgusted… you can relax… a little. GenPets are, after all, a hoax. The creation of one Adam Brandejs, an artist who constructed these robotic, very life-like creatures which mimic breathing, twitching and clawing in their wire and plastic “hibernation” restraints.

The purpose of their creation and the hoax in general was a social experiment of sorts, he says. An attempt to bring the full impact of bioengineering to light… though he is not against bioengineering in general according to his own claims.

“I’m not against bioengineering, I’m simply hesitant towards where and how and by whom the technology will be used. That’s what this sculpture sums up… I think it’s important to take a critical look at both sides of an issue before coming to any sort of conclusion. Bioengineering could lead to medical breakthroughs that save lives, but will it? Genpets is more of a critique of corporate ethics than anything else. ”
– Adam Brandejs, Gen Pets creator

After we are done being relieved that we don’t have to bewail the lamentable plight of these sad little creatures stuck in plastic who are programmed to live for only three years or less… we need to see this kind of trend and curiosity for what it really is.

Whether Mr. Brandejs knows it or not, his little stunt bears a striking resemblance to how shocking new conditions are normally introduced to the public.

A little talk here and a little revelation there from the scientific community… politics which reflect, on a superficial level, what the gauge of public reaction is at present… and then the inevitable trial hoax.

What a good hoax like this can do for those who are really very serious about a future in radical bioengineering is give a very accurate picture of exactly where the public’s mind is on the issue.

How far can they push you… what can they get you to feel is good, acceptable,cool or trendy. It has a noted effect of desensitizing as well… as you bounce back from the shock of hearing that they are selling little chimeras in plastic bubbles, you are far less likely to get upset about the real industry of bioengineered pets.

Yes, there is a real industry for genetically modified pets… although so far, the most interesting things being sold are cats which are supposedly hypoallergenic.

Companies like Lifestyle Pets, formerly known as Allerca, Felix Pets and Transgenic Pets Inc. all boast the claim of having created cats which have a non-active form of one protein believed to cause allergic reactions in people. It seems rather harmless in comparison to an idea like GenPets… right?

What could be wrong with bioengineering cats which don’t cause sneezing? If nothing is wrong with that… what could be wrong with marketing bunny rabbits and puppies which glow in the dark ? (both of which have been created, if not sold as pets)

Could there really be anything so bad as a few animals with human genes so long as it advances medical science? The shock begins to wear off one small step at a time… basic arguments about meddling with creation have never stood the test of time against so many things which are now a normal part of society.

Science does not lack the ability to make any strange combination of chimera whether for use in a lab or sold as a trendy pet… the only thing which stands between us and the very real introduction of GenPets is the limits which human morality would place on such things.

That has proven time and again to be a very weak barrier which can easily be broken down and there is little doubt in my mind that such a thing as GenPets will exist in some form or other in the future.

Possibly the most disturbing point in the whole GenPets drama is the reaction of the younger generation. While those reactions of their parents’ generation were ones which reflect a normal repulsion to such an idea… the younger crowd were quite taken with the idea… they couldn’t wait to have one.

Gen Pets

These kids did not stop to ask themselves questions about whether or not this was in any way humane… they weren’t disturbed that living creatures had been created only to amuse children, be packaged into plastic containers and then forced to live out strange, short lives performing like circus animals.

Quality of life was not an issue, disposable life was not an issue… even what manner of life these things were was not asked.

Treating something alive and able to feel pain and possibly emotion with no more care than one would treat a disposable plaything seemed to not phase them.

In a disposable world where life has been consistently devalued in the minds of each successive generation… it’s no wonder. To this next generation… what will life mean exactly… what will Human life mean?

They have been programmed to think of human life as merely a higher sort of animal life and even been convinced to look at humanity as if it is inherently a plague upon earth.

Infants are regarded as disposable byproducts of casual sex. Elders are regarded as disposable members of society, having outlived their usefulness. The poor and the homeless are not even deemed to be human at all… merely the unfortunate losing fringes of Social Darwinism.

GenPets are simply a peek into what comes next in a cold, loveless world which consistently refuses to look to their Creator for a moral foundation. There is no acceptable level of playing “god”… a lesson that the human race has sadly seemed to never grasp.

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Of Serpent Seeds and Biased Doctrines: What is the Truth of It?

Posted in 03 : The Dragon with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 08/19/2010 by timenolonger

The Shepherds Chapel… Christian Identity… Serpent Seed Doctrine. These concepts have attracted a lot of people in the recent years.

The greater familiarity with the Book of Enoch which has come about recently, has been piggybacked by theology like that of Arnold Murray and his brand of doctrine surrounding the intermingling of human and angelic kind.

The events concerning the nephilim and their fathers, the pre-flood history of the world as told in 1 Enoch, are subject matters which comprise a starting point to a solid thread of evidence throughout the canon.

There is certainly a great deal of discomfort involved for many Christians in coming to terms with the idea of human and angelic co-mingling, and of offspring of that sort of union.

All discomfort aside… the foundation of support for it is unyielding scripturally.

The pitfalls for those who come across this information in their early walks in faith, when their spiritual maturity has yet to develop, are certainly out there.

The Serpent Seed doctrine does an excellent job of filling a position of look-a-like theology with subject matters such as nephilim, but the root of this doctrine is very different and so too is the fruit it yields.

Understanding what went on before the flood, what many bible topics mean in light of it, and what the implications are for the end times greatly expands maturity in objective thinking and understanding of the biblical message on a wide scale.

The result is ultimately that you begin to understand Mercy for what it is… that there is no room for games of pride and racial “one-uping”… that grace encompasses all recipients of it, and that it is futile to debate the purity of one’s own family tree.

Accepting the Serpent Seed theory grows into the antithesis of all of this. Confusion is the foundation of it, and it breeds confusion in understanding the full message of scripture… it necessitates very creative interpretation of scripture to continually find ways of supporting it throughout.

The doctrine itself is not simply background information for those who hold it, but it is the axis on which their whole “faith” rests. It becomes of utmost concern to place oneself apart from those who are considered the literal offspring of Satan.

This group is always held to be one or more specific ethnic group, and the “true Israel” is held as being whatever racial group the adherent belongs to (for Murray followers… white).

The obvious hallmark of pride abounds… that this cult has factions in every ethnicity, only adjusting the claims of who belongs to the devil and who belongs to Israel is enough evidence to show that the beliefs held around the Serpent Seed doctrine are hinging on racism and produce fruit fit for the garbage pile.

The doctrine of the Serpent Seed says basically this… that Satan literally had sex with Eve, producing Cain… this was the original sin of mankind. That Cain’s descendants are still with us today… who they are will depend on the adherent of the doctrine you ask.

Murray-ites will say Jews, black and other “non-white” groups. Anglo-Saxon whites are presented as “true” Israel in the Murray school of thought, whereas other ethnic groups might be labeled as such in different versions of the same creed.

The outcome is a band-aid for an inferiority complex which bolsters ones self esteem by being a member of the “Real” Israel, with the justified ability to look down other ethnic groups.

The fact that angelic entities did arrive on earth, and did interbreed with humanity beginning in the days of Jared, seems to have not fit the bill for the purposes of the Cain Serpent Seed theory.

Perhaps that has a beginning in those who first pushed the theory itself. The Serpent Seed theology has it’s beginnings in gnosticism and kaballah, not Murray.

Both of these belief systems are ironically ones which Arnold Murray followers would deny.. yet there is the root of their central belief.

Kaballah is called a Jewish invention, but it is older than it’s Jewish application, and more resembles Babylon. Both of these belief systems, gnosticism and kaballah, are rooted in the corrupt teachings of the Watchers.

It would not behoove the agenda of the fallen Watchers or their students, ancient and modern, to instill a memory and understanding of how they corrupted the world physically or morally.

The Serpent Seed theory by necessity demands denial of a world-wide flood, which is very difficult to support throughout scripture. It demands negating and explaining away, in very convoluted ways, the simple statement of Eve… that she had gotten a son through the blessing of YHWH, and the very simple prelude of explanation about how she did: a normal marital union with Adam.

The worst blunder in this doctrine lies in the commandment concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. YHWH’s command was to leave that one tree alone, of all those in the garden… they were free to partake of the others.

If we must accept that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is representative of Satan, and taking it’s fruit is literally having sex with him… then what of the other trees?

Do Adam and Eve have licenses to fornicate with anything in the garden Other than Satan? What do we then make of the tree of Life?

The scene begins to degrade into a bizarre pornographic version of Paradise that I dare say we are not looking forward to as the future state of eternal perfection.

Satan has 10 lies to obscure everyone truth… and it is my hope that believers will not accept the things which “feel good” to believe, but rather judge them against evidence, against common sense and against simple desires to believe a certain way.

Judge all things in His Spirit and examine the fruit that beliefs produce. If those fruits do not resemble His nature… they are best dismissed accordingly, no matter how much you have grown to like them.

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Yom Kippur: The Peculiar Case of a Mysterious Scapegoat

Posted in 02 : The Truth Is Out There... with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 07/23/2010 by timenolonger

Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement is perhaps the most mysterious of all holy days given to Israel to keep.

It is widely taught by Christian leadership that this day is a foreshadowing of Messiah’s atonement on the cross for believers, yet the foreshadowing of this event is much more applicable to another day which Israel was to keep in remembrance, namely Passover.

The bondage with which Israel served in Egypt is not unlike the bondage of the whole of humanity under Satan and his power.

The angel of death which was sent to smite the first born in Egypt is obviously counterpart to the fact that the wages of sin is death. The lamb’s blood which is applied to the doorposts is a direct foreshadowing of the covering of the blood of Yahushua, which causes the angel of death to “pass over” the believer. Eating the lamb is mirrored in the words Yahushua spoke at the last supper, which itself was a Passover meal…”this is my body..”

The purpose of Yom Kippur, then, would reasonably stand for a different set of circumstances relating to atonement and cleansing.

Here is the description of the instructions to Israel which were to be performed for the Day of Atonement:

{3} ‘Aharown shall come into the Sacred Place with the blood of a young bull as a sin offering and of a ram as a burnt offering.

{4} He shall put the sacred linen tunic and the linen trousers on his body. He shall be girded with a linen sash and with the linen turban he shall be attired. These are sacred garments. Therefore he shall wash his body in water and put them on.

{5} And he shall take from the congregation of the sons of Yisra’el two kids of the goats as a sin offering and one ram as a burnt offering.

{6} ‘Aharown shall offer the bull as a sin offering for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house.

{7} He shall take the two goats and present them before Yahuwah at the door of the tent of meeting.

{8} Then ‘Aharown shall cast lots for the two goats. One lot for Yahuwah and the other lot for the scapegoat.

{9} And ‘Aharown shall bring the goat on which Yahuwah’s lot fell and offer it as a sin offering.

{10} But the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before Yahuwah to make atonement upon it and to let it go as the scapegoat into the wilderness.

{11} And ‘Aharown shall bring the bull of the sin offering for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house and shall kill the bull as the sin offering that is for himself.

{12} Then he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from the altar before Yahuwah, with his hands full of sweet incense beaten fine, and bring it inside the veil.

{13} And he shall put the incense on the fire before Yahuwah that the cloud of incense may cover the cover that is on the testimony lest he die.

{14} He shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the cover on the east side and before the cover he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.

{15} Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering for the people, bring its blood inside the veil, do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the cover and before the cover.

{16} So he shall make atonement for the Sacred Place because of the uncleanness of the sons of Yisra’el and because of their transgressions, for all their sins, and so he shall do for the tent of meeting that remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness.

{17} There shall be no man in the tent of meeting when he goes in to make atonement in the Sacred Place until he comes out that he may make atonement for himself, for his household, and for all the assembly of Yisra’el.

{18} And he shall go out to the altar that is before Yahuwah and make atonement for it and shall take some of the blood of the bull and some of the blood of the goat and put it on the horns of the altar all around.

{19} Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it, and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the sons of Yisra’el.

{20} And when he has made an end of atoning for the Sacred Place, the tent of meeting, and the altar, he shall bring the live goat.

{21} ‘Aharown shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the sons of Yisra’el, and all their transgressions concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man.

{22} The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited land and he shall release the goat in the wilderness.

{23} Then ‘Aharown shall come into the tent of meeting, shall take off the linen garments that he put on when he went into the Sacred Place, and shall leave them there.

{24} And he shall wash his body with water in a sacred place, put on his garments, come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people, and make atonement for himself and for the people.

{25} The fat of the sin offering he shall burn on the altar.

{26} And he who released the goat as the scapegoat shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water and afterward he may come into the camp.

{27} The bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the Sacred Place shall be carried outside the camp and they shall burn in the fire their skins, their flesh, and their offal.

{28} Then he who burns them shall wash his clothes and bathe his body in water and afterward he may come into the camp.

{29} This shall be a statute forever for you. In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls and do no work at all, whether a native of your own country or a stranger who dwells among you.

– Leviticus 16:3-29

The first action which is to be performed involves a bull. The bull is offered as a sacrifice for Aaron and for his own family personally.

The second action involves casting lots for two goat kids. Here is where, upon close examination, the ritual becomes very strange.

Lots are cast and one goat is selected randomly to be a slain sacrifice “for YHWH” to atone for the “uncleanness” of the children of Israel.

The second goat is then designated as “for the scapegoat” according to KJV and most other English translations. This goat is to be let go alive into the wilderness after receiving upon its head all the “iniquities” of Israel.

The notion that both of these goats are sacrifices for moral transgression does not make a lot of sense. One is slain, the other released, but if the slain goat is sacrificed to atone for moral transgression, what then is the point of also loading those same sins onto a live goat which will depart into the wilderness?

The first of these goats makes an atonement Because of the uncleanness of Israel, but the atonement is For the “holy place”. (“So he shall make atonement for the Sacred Place because of the uncleanness of the sons of Yisra’el” – Lev.16:16)

As the first goat is randomly selected by lot for a personal being, the Creator YHWH – it follows, naturally that the second goat is also selected for a Person – rather than the way it reads in English “for the scapegoat”, as if the lot is selected for the goat.

If the second goat is not designated as belonging to an individual, we would expect the first to be described in like manner, such as “One lot for the goat to be slain to YHWH, and the other lot for the scapegoat”.

The incongruity of the English translation suggests that a name has been omitted here.

The word for scapegoat, given in Hebrew is “azazel”… the definition for which is given “goat of departure, scapegoat”..

The claim of this definition is supposedly resting on the root words – “ez”, a word which is used for a she-goat in the singular and “azal” – to disappear or depart.

There is no question that the given root of the word azazel is flawed, and flawed in such a way that it’s almost impossible to imagine it being an honest error.

The word “ez” is not itself a root definition, but goes back to the word “az” which means, strong, powerful and fierce. The use of the word for a goat came from the goat’s exhibiting of these traits.

Furthermore, the word “azaz” which also derived from “az” and is clearly nearer the mark in reference to “azazel” means to harden oneself impudently or to be strong in opposition against.

The suffix “el” is very common in Hebrew and is a word which literally means “Mighty One” and can both refer to YHWH Elohim or to an angel.

Azazel, then, correctly translated, is “One Who Is impudently hardened against YHWH”.

Azazel is a being… one who has his fist scriptural mention in a book outside of canon:1 Enoch, and so it begins to make some sense as to why pains would be taken to eliminate a canonical reference to a name which only appears elsewhere in books rejected from canon.

“Moreover Azazel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates,

the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows,

the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.

Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways.”

– 1 Enoch 8:1,2

Back to the first goat which was to be slain… the indication of the fact that the atonement took away some uncleanness from the children of Israel, in order that they might not be an affront to YHWH in His holy place, brings up the question what manner of uncleanness might this be that is different from the iniquities which are placed upon the goat to be sent away.

Uncleanness here is the word “Tamah” which is to be contaminated or defiled.

This word appears in numerous places to describe physical characteristics of uncleanliness. A Woman in her menstrual cycle for instance, or someone who has a contagious disease in defined as “tamah”.

When it is understood that Yom Kippur, is in part, related to a fallen angel named Azazel, who numbered among rebels which physically polluted the human gene pool, it is more clear what a physical uncleanness might be which needs some amendment, at least spiritually, before the congregation can come before the Holy Place.

The nation of Israel was meant to preserve a pure human stock which was not to me mingled with the hybrid multitudes of other nations.

It still can not be expected that the congregation of Israel was Completely pure of intermingling… indeed we are told several times throughout scripture of the seed of Abraham taking to themselves wives from other nations.

Yom Kippur is also a commandment to foreigners who live with Israel… in other words, that uncleanness which is assumed to be in some small part contaminating some of Israel is surely to be expected in a foreigner.

An offering “for Azazel” might strike believers as very, very unseemly business for the people of YHWH to be commanded to do.

The implication that this goat is a sacrifice to a fallen angel has kept most believers from coming to terms with the meaning of Yom Kippur as it is stated in scripture.

This is a misunderstanding though… the released goat is not meant as a gesture of worship or a sacrifice to the fallen angel… rather it is meant as a means to convey the penalty of the sin which is upon Israel to the fallen angel.

In fact, the word which was used in English to replace Azazel’s name – scapegoat, has, to this day preserved the true meaning of the ritual which was ironically hidden by the same word.

Scapegoat now means to impart blame on a party other than the one who actually committed the transgression.

The very reason that such a ritual should exist goes back to a single, little known sentence which was spoken by YHWH to Enoch.

“All the earth has been corrupted by the effects of the teaching of Azazel. To him therefore write: All Sin.”.

– 1 Enoch 10:12

It was this curse placed upon Azazel which became the foundational reason for conveying the iniquities of Israel to him. Azazel was cursed to pay the penalty for all the sin of His people.

Azazel, of course does not represent the atonement for which Messiah came. Azazel merely became the temporary object of YHWH’s wrath for all that was done wrong by His people so that He could, instead of cursing them, bless them, until the Messiah came and forever removed the necessity for a “scapegoat”.

It is further made evident that Azazel is the focus of the second selected goat on Yom Kippur in that the goat was taken out into the desert to be set free.

The goat would not survive… it would surely die. We might assume it would die of thirst or starvation but Israel so feared that the animal would return to them and therefor bring back with it their iniquities, that they often threw it into a canyon to ensure its death.

It is told in 1 Enoch that the place they released the goat is also the place where YHWH sentenced Azazel to imprisonment beneath the Earth.

“Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there.

Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness;”

– 1 Enoch 10:6,7

The blood of bulls and goats of course could never set sinners free eternally from the bonds of their sin… neither could visiting those sins on a fallen angel.

Perfect Justice is not served in either way, as the life of animals does not equate to the life of a human being nor can a wicked angel be forced to carry the burden to any ultimate effect…himself having been a sinner who could not pay his own price.

For sin to be Eradicated… it required nothing less than Yahushua, perfect and Almighty, to be our Passover lamb.

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Transhumanism: Despising His Image

Posted in 12 : Technocracy with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 07/22/2010 by timenolonger

“…So ‘Elohiym created the man in His image, in the image of ‘Elohiym He created him, male and female He created them.”

– Genesis 1:27

Of all the vast creation which YHWH has made, it is in man that He has chosen to incarnate His likeness. No greater honor could any creature receive above this, and yet it means next to nothing to most of mankind living in this generation.

It is not only that it is ignored or disbelieved, but that it is despised.

Who has taught humanity to despise the image and likeness of the Creator manifest in their own selves, and why?

Though humanity has lost understanding of what it means to have been made in the image of the Creator, the citizens of the heavens never took it so lightly.

The sons of Elohim, or angels as they are commonly known now, did not all rejoice in the creation of a race of beings made of such lowly stuff as the dirt of the Earth, which were given such honor above even those made before them.

Satan’s rebellion made a target of humanity, as he understood that to corrupt mankind was to deface the very image of the One he opposed.

“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that Yahuwah ‘Elohiym had made and he said to the woman, “Has ‘Elohiym indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

– Genesis 3:1

The Watchers came in with the outward justification of guiding humanity to a better direction, but in the end completed the corruption of mankind physically, which Satan had begun spiritually.

The rebellious servants of YHWH had perverted His image to reflect their own image instead.

“Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery (pharmacology), incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees (recombinant DNA). And the women conceiving brought forth giants…”

– 1 Enoch 7:10,11 (text in parenthesis is mine)

Humans were not just victims, though. As Eve and then Adam first had to be willing to eat of the forbidden tree, their descendants had to be willing to participate in the corruption of their own physical nature.

Humans were willing students of the forbidden sciences taught to them, and willing subjects of a hybrid breeding experiment with beings who were not of their own kind.

It would seem strange, perhaps, to imagine now why those early human beings would be so willing, who had all reason to know and treasure their unique quality of being made in His image, but such rebellion never begins by seeming like the disaster that it is.

Their lives were not easy, being cursed to work hard in laboring and toiling for the food which they ate, and that which they wore. Suffering and the promise of eventual death had come with sin, yet through suffering and toil they could mature, they could learn the benefit of obedience to YHWH and have joy in their children and peace from the promise of a future Savior.

Patience has never been a common human virtue, though.

The offer of a quicker way to an easier life was no less attractive then than now. The same impatient recklessness which makes the world believe in a pill to fix every problem was eager for a way to a stronger, less vulnerable physical existence, and convenience which would free them from the hard toil assigned to them.

By learning advanced technologies, they saw the power to reclaim the paradise only Adam and Eve had known. In allowing union with heavenly beings, they saw the power to advance humanity to a race of Earthly “gods”.

“But as the days of Noah so also will the coming of the Son of Man be”.

– Matthew 24:37

Tiger Lady Chimera :

If it was announced that the human race could undergo gene therapy which would result in stronger bodies, longer, healthier lives and greater intellect, how attractive would this seem?

What man needs to wait for a future that is possibly beyond his own mortal life to see the intervention of a Creator, when the means to achieve all that He has promised might be gotten now?

That tempting possibility did not end as people hoped it would before the flood came. The technology which was introduced led only to apathy, to greed, indulgent wickedness and violence. The unnatural super beings spawned of inter-species union became tyrants and cannibals.

Now the world is eager to do it again.

It is not enough to be a creature made with the potential to reflect the image of the sovereign Elohim. Mankind wants to “evolve”.

Transhumanism is the word used in this day to speak about all that humanity can become if the greatest hopes and desires of the elite rulership is achieved.

The dream that puts faulty creatures in the place of Creator and begins to further deface the image He has placed in mankind, would use the genetic material of animals, plants, and the extra-dimensional forefathers of this goal to re-create mankind as a species.

They would even seek to introduce non-organic, mechanical components to the human body.

Christina Aguilera : Bionic

Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous who authored Brave New World, first used this word: Transhumanism. Huxley was a member of the British Eugenics Society, eugenics being the foundation of Transhumanism.

Eugenics is a science dedicated to a Darwinist philosophy applied to humanity, that the strong should thrive and evolve, while the weak are culled and eradicated.

Eugenics rests on a necessity of there being superior and inferior genetic pools in the human population. It might be very socially unacceptable to speak publicly of there being some races, ethnic or cultural groups who are inferior to the rest, yet in secrecy this is exactly what elite Eugenicists believe.

The public is guided to love the idea of Transhumanism by being persuaded that it is not a goal attached to race or ethnicity, but simply a means of bettering all of humanity. This is quite untrue.

Elite Transhumanists have no desire to “evolve” all humankind, their goal is one which seeks to advance only their own bloodlines and to leave the rest in disadvantage to them so that these unfortunate ones have no choice but to become their slaves, their lab animals and their labor force.

“The lowest strata are reproducing too fast. Therefore… they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilisation.”

– Julian Huxley

The elite, as they are wrongly called, are blood relations of one another, descending from the hybrid tyrants who ruled in result of this same Transhumanist philosophy pre-flood.

It is believed in error that Transhumanists are atheist for the most part and that the idea grew from an atheist background.

Atheists do often attach themselves to this because it is easily sold to them. With no hope of an eternal future, one who lives without YHWH sees synthetic immortality as perhaps the only eternal future possible.

At its root, Transhumanism is highly religious though. It grows directly from the heart of idolatry and the worship of false deities and false saviors. It is the false eternal life of the false Messiah offered to the elect of his apostate kingdom.

It is not a possible future hope of science that this is about, it is not an extreme and imaginative goal which science is still far from being able to achieve – This is current ability science.

The ability to recombine DNA from separate species exists now. The ability to use nanotechnology integrated into human bodies exists now. The ability to build robotics which can work in and with the human anatomy exists now.

It is not reasonable to assume there is a morality in this world which will block the progress of these things to their desired end. It is not even reasonable to assume that these things have not already been done to willing or unwilling human participants under secrecy, knowing that those who pursue this path hold no esteem for honesty,open relations with the public or concern for the well being of those they consider less than themselves.

It is very gradually pressed upon the public so that they will become numbed to the shock and the horror of such strange things being done to human subjects and when that numbness has finally taken over, then will it be brought into the light and barely be argued against at all.

How difficult will it really be to persuade a world of people who are of a nature to serve whatever seems to benefit them in the moment, whatever pushes them higher in what is esteemed by world society?

Entertainment featuring heroes who are genetically altered mutants or robotically enhanced draw great fascination from the public.

The idea of becoming better, more capable, more special is held like bait before their eyes, tempting them to dream of a reality where they become the genetically altered or robotically enhanced hero.

If they had not been convinced to despise the very image of the Creator branded in their own natural bodies, they would not be so quick to deface that image. Humanity has been deceived to hate what they are in favor of becoming, the image of demoted spiritual servants.

There is no upgrade to what it means to be human in Transhumanism, there is only the option to demean and destroy what it means to be made in the image of YHWH.

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Nephilim : A History That Can’t Be Ignored

Posted in 05 : Generations X with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/24/2010 by timenolonger

Those of us who accept that there has been a real occurrence of a race of human hybrids, including giants on Earth and the presence of heavenly beings who initiated the existence of those beings are up against two main sources of criticism.

On the one side there is the secular world, which will not, under any circumstances support evidence (or even let evidence be known) which could in any way substantiate biblical history.

While i don’t expect anything more or less from the secular world, it’s the other side of the coin that becomes frustrating, and that is believers in biblical history who refuse outright anything which is remotely connected to giants, nephilim or a world history that includes them.

Most believers know secular atheists who rail against the “fairy tale” of scripture, having never once read the text which they refute. It’s common sense that we can’t formulate an opinion on a written record if we are never wiling to read it.

Why then, should there ever be believers who are comfortable exercising the same kind of prejudice towards bodies of evidence which thwart their traditional viewpoint?

If any group of individuals has a duty to be thorough in their consideration of all facts, it should be us.

World history presents us with a picture that is very very difficult to reconcile to either the mainstream story, or even to a biblical one which does not allow for the insertion of some extraterrestrial influence.

Here i have complied a “tip of the iceberg” of the anomalous, the strange and the out-of-place, which should put these bible references in their intended perspective:

“Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of the ‘Elohiym saw the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.”
– Genesis 6:1,2

“There were nephilim on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of the ‘Elohiym came in to the daughters of men and they bore to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”
– Genesis 6:4

“There we saw the nephilim (the descendants of ‘Anaq came from the giants) and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.”
– Numbers 13:33

In every corner of the globe there exists legends of giants. This alone… just this one fact needs an answer.

When we discuss the great flood with a non-believer, we point out that global flood stories are… well… global. The fact that cultures far from one another should retain such similar stories of an event is evidence that it was not a concocted legend, but that it came from the re-telling of a true event.

Why then should the same logic not apply to repeated beliefs about the existence of giants… from Australian Aborigines to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Native North and South Americans and every island in between.

Not only do we have stories though… we have hard evidence, the remains of individuals who could hardly be called your “average human being”…

In 1833, in Lampec-Rancho California, buried beneath boulders, soldiers found the skeletal remains of an individual who measured 11 feet, 9 inches.

Other discoveries of skeletal remains between 9 and 18 feet include… 1887, Eureka Nevada – 11 feet; 1891, Crittenton Arizona – 9 feet, 8 inches with polydactyly; 1928, Tensas Perish Louisiana – 9 feet, 11 inches; 1931, Madison Parish, Louisiana – 10 feet, 2 inches; 1923, Grand Canyon – petrified remains 18 and 15 feet.

Among the most bizarre findings of humanoid remains have been skulls with double rows of teeth, and even some with horns.

Besides physical remains, footprints are evidence of huge persons which have walked the earth… in Australia were found footprints measuring 2 feet long and 7 inches across the toes, spaced 6 feet apart, indicating a 12 foot tall person, another set in the same region with a 10 inch toe span indicates a person 17 feet tall.

Since pictures are reputed to be far more compelling than words… let’s look at some..

Mt Blanco Femur : Crosbyton TX

Giant AxesGiant Axes

Giant Footprint

Giant Mummy

Elongated Skulls

The mainstream explanation to why there should exist skulls which look like those above, is that certain cultures made a practice amongst the nobility of intentionally deforming the skulls of their children, using boards to flatten and elongate their heads.

While it is true that some did this, it can’t be applied to every instance of discovery of an elongated skull. Many of these specimens not only had an oddly shaped head, they had a larger brain capacity. This, of course can’t be accomplished by artificial deforming of the skull.

Furthermore, one has to ask the question… what on Earth compels a people to intentionally deform their skulls to look like this, and why is it attached to the idea of nobility?

This is a feature that can be seen represented repeatedly in Egyptian depictions of royalty…

Egyptian Skull Profile

It is important to factor in Egypt’s own testimony about their nobility, in that they held to the assertions that their rulers were, in the beginning, “gods” and that the successive rulership was held by hybrids, the children of these “gods”.

Egypt is not the last that can be seen of the presence of elongated skulls, in fact it is a feature that is present (if not as prominent) in the European noble bloodlines.

Skull Profile European

Princess of the House of Este – 1400’s

We can perhaps safely assume this girl’s head was not intentionally deformed in a bizarre, primitive cultural tradition.

The answer of the board-deformed skulls also does nothing to explain a different sort of anomalous skull…

Apple Shaped Skulls

Apple Shaped Skull & Diagram

Now to examine the incredible structures and depictions of engineering which exist to this day, from a far distant past which defy all explanations of human ingenuity.

Ancient runways cut into mountaintops…

Ancient Airstrip

The Great Pyramid… the most perfect structure ever to be built on Earth, incorporating advanced mathematical knowledge and demonstrating perfect understanding of the Earth’s placement in the heavens, dimensions, polar alignment and central landmass point.

Great Pyramid

Sacsayhuaman Peru…how were these massive stones fit together perfectly like a puzzle with not so much as a hairsbreadth between them?


Who drew these lines which can not be recognized as images from the ground, but only from aircraft?

Nazca Lines Hummingbird

Who was flying airplanes thousands of years ago?

Ancient Airplane Model

If humans were capable of these things thousands of years ago by virtue of their own abilities of intellect and discovery, then we should see a gradual incline from primitive to advanced – and yet that isn’t the case.

The world was clearly primitive to a point, and then without prelude or warning, there was a sudden burst of advanced knowledge from seemingly nowhere.

Only a bit over 1600 years passed between the creation of Adam and the flood, and somewhere in this time an appearance of greatly advanced technological information interjected itself.

By the same token, if we are dealing with a humanity with enough intelligence to understand the concepts which appeared in this era, we are not dealing with a superstitious and simple-minded people who are given to fabricating bizarre supernatural stories to explain simple, natural concepts.

I believe that humans were intelligent pre-flood, even moreso than they are now, and yet they insist, universally, in ancient times that the source of their advanced technology was beings which arrived on Earth from heavenly realms.

In today’s world we don’t have people insisting that the Wright Brothers were aliens or that Thomas Edison was a “god”.

The similar traditions of the religious and historical records of multitudes of cultures worldwide keep pointing to three interconnected ideas… an appearance of heavenly beings on earth, genetic manipulation and hybridization, and finally a catastrophic flood.

The Sumerians tell this story, accrediting the beings called the Anunnaki (“those who came from heaven to Earth”) with their knowledge and with breeding programs, which mixed Earthly bloodlines with extraterrestrial ones.

The Egyptians mirror this account and term the same being “Neteru” which translates to “Watchers”.

The Incas kept an oral tradition, as did other Native South Americans, of white-skinned, tall humanoids who displayed knowledge and supernatural power far beyond human ability, who came and “civilized” primitive mankind, teaching them how to use technology to make their lives more convenient.

Babylonians and Assyrians reported a fish/human chimera creature who did the same post-flood.

The Pantheon of deities of these ancient peoples also mirror each other. We can see the same “gods” over and over again between widely differing geographical and cultural sources.

By what coincidence of imagination should all these groups of people concoct the same “gods” pertaining to the same functions, with the same circumstances surrounding them?

Now in this day it can’t be ignored that there are millions of people who claim to have had visual encounters with unearthly beings or craft, and that there are tens of thousands who report having been abducted by them… nor can we ignore the similarity that is evident in this with the ancient stories which reflect the same circumstances, up to and including genetic experimentation done on human victims – whether willing or not.

No doubt, these things are a lot to wrap one’s mind around for the first time, and not the most palatable of ideas that there have been, and are intrusive extra-dimensional beings interfering with humanity.

In the simplest and most literal of scriptural readings, though, It becomes evident that these things are evidently factual, and in knowing that is so, many points in scripture take on a clearer aspect of meaning with it in mind, and equip the believer to answer to the fallacies which secular, mainstream science would have us accept.

Rigidly refusing to put the evidence to the test on the grounds of “too strange to believe” can only lead to a place where we have no good answer to a world full of mysterious loose ends… and if we, as believers, don’t have an answer which fits the evidence, you can believe the enemy will concoct a fable to fill in the blanks.

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Plan to Put the Whole World in a Demonic Trance

Posted in 06 : Possessing Spirits with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/05/2010 by timenolonger

The last thing people in this country in general might want to believe, is that their own government and its agencies have deep roots in the occult, or that they have actively made their own citizens unwitting victims of their occult practices.

The unfortunate case of the matter, though, is that this is true. It’s not a subject of highly speculative guesses or overactive imagination… or flat out paranoia, it is a matter of public record, if the public cares to know.

Trauma based mind control is a very ancient, pagan practice. It is described in texts dating far back into antiquity from renown civilizations such as Egypt and Babylon.

By using various means of torture, drugging and hypnosis, victims’ psyche’s were broken and twisted to allow the compartmentalization of their minds to take place in such a way that would make them the ideal mind controlled slave.

The shattered soul also became an easy vessel of demonic possession, and thus ensuring that the broken mind of the victim would always remain so, under the command of the spirits which took up housing in them.

In pre-World War II Germany, the emphasis on eugenics and mind control made a strong come-back. The psychiatric branch of the eugenics field through the Tavistock Institute began to promote social engineering, euthanasia, and sterilization of certain “genetically unfit” groups of people.

It should be remembered that the basis which forms an ideology that says there is a superior and an inferior populace – that there should be a control mechanism on who can have children and who should not – comes from family lines who regard themselves as having the “blood of the gods”.

It is the ages old creed of the “divine right to rule” of the nephilim.

Josef Mengele was perhaps one of the most notorious of Nazi eugenicists, having performed horrific experiments on countless children to further the fields of genetic engineering and behavior modification.

He was known to attempt to change the eye color of his subjects by placing drops of painful, caustic chemicals into their eyes, sometimes resulting in blindness, but never resulting in the blue eye color he was attempting to produce.

He was also known for a demented mind control technique called “twinning”. In this technique, two non-related children were connected emotionally in an intense and reinforced bond, and then one of the two children would be forced to murder the other or die themselves.

This would result in such immense psychological trauma that the mind of the child would literally split, one part disassociating from the main, conscious core to avert madness or death.

It could hardly be imagined by most citizens of this country, that the US, who apparently fought against the tyranny and inhumanity of Nazi Germany, should then turn around after this conflict and recruit the very scientists who were at the core of the evil taking place there.

Sadly… the nature of history and the reasons that wars have been fought are scarcely understood by the general public.

The US, indeed, imported approximately 1,600 scientists and family members of the Nazi regime into the states up until the 70’s.

This was known as Project Paperclip… and from this began America’s downward spiral into the dark heart of occult mind control.

MK-ULTRA was the vile offspring of Hitler’s regime, and it was born on American soil. Primarily an operation under CIA control, MK-ULTRA was a project to delve deep into the creation of perfectly mind-controlled slaves on an individual basis, as well as the public at large.

The CIA often sought out the “elite bloodlines” for children to use in these experiments. The reason for this was due to a phenomenon which received it’s own project heading, The Monarch Project.

The Monarch Project had as it’s premise, the theory that people, much like animals who travel a migratory route from generation to generation, had the memory of their ancestors imprinted on their DNA.

A child belonging to a long history of “blue-bloods” would theoretically have a multitude of innate talents for occult practices, and be the best candidates for trauma-based “splitting”.

MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) was the main goal of MK-ULTRA. By beginning early in the life of a child… even prenatal, the perpetrators would physically, mentally and emotionally abuse and confuse their victim to past the breaking point.

Their methods included drugs, electroshock therapy, being caged or buried alive for hours or even days, forced witnessing of brutality and murder, satanic ritual abuse and sexual molestation.

As the mind split with the trauma, which was carefully interwoven with various symbolic stimuli, such as certain keywords, numbers, colors, letters, etc… a new fraction of the whole mind manifested as a separate and independent personality who had its own memory, its own function and its own agenda.

Each split part could then be programmed by the “handlers” to come to the surface in response to “cues” and “triggers” which had been introduced in the splitting process. (the aforementioned colors, numbers, letters, etc.)

The victims of these experiments could be literally turned into human computers, made to run “programs”, which were their various alter personalities, at the whim of their handlers.

The programs would execute their function just as they had been wired to do, and depart, leaving the core personality unaware of what the alter had performed.

So complex could a system of a “Multiples” be that there could potentially be hundreds of different alters, all created to perform their own, compartmentalized function within the whole.

The system would often be designed by the handlers to have an internal geography for the victim. That is, the various alters would see their internal world in their mind’s eyes as if it was a house or a city, or a pyramid, or some other manner of societal/ building hierarchy.

Each alter would reside in a specific room or house and have access to specific others, or to no others at all… the handlers would then implant demonic entities to control “gateways” between the sectioned-off geography of the internal landscape, and to keep the alters in their specified areas and tasks.

Often the head authority in the MPD system was the “unknown controller” or the most powerful demonic entity who had a position of overseeing the entire structure while never making itself known to the rest of the system.

It is said that the MK-ULTRA experiments were halted in the early 70’s, however, by taking a look at a little book called “Brave New World”… we can maybe earnestly question the authenticity of that claim.

Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, had a great deal of connectedness to the Tavistock Institute.

This book was designed to be a prediction of the realization of the New World Order and it portrayed a utopian society that emerged from a devastating world war.

A reality in which everyone lived in a strange, hypnotized peace… not a peace born of freedom, but one born of addiction to “sex, drugs and rock and roll”.

Does the idea of a society that is drunken past caring on sexuality, mind altering substances and hypnotic music sound familiar? It sounds like right now.

I, personally, have no doubt that the continuation of MK-Ultra experiments have persisted past the 70’s… only now the objective is broadened.

It is not the individual “Manchurian candidate” they have focused on, but the whole of society.

Utilizing the “soft-core” tactics of mind control – not to the goal of producing people with full blown MPD – but training the average mind by the same uses of symbolic triggers and cues, through entertainment and media, to disassociate into a trance wherein the mind readily accepts the insidious and subtle brainwashing it is exposed to.

I think it is also not too far of a stretch to say that they are able, by the proliferation of trance-inducing techniques delivered through television, music and drugs, (both legal and illegal) to warp a person’s will so as to allow possession by demonic entities.

Believers, it would be wise to keep alert to what you allow your children to watch and what video games you allow them to play and to which music you allow them to listen.

In fact, it would be wise if even as adults, believers take note of what sort of things they allow to saturate their environment.

Don’t believe for a moment that the danger is only contained in violent movies and raunchy music… everything on TV is designed to subliminally subvert the will, including the evening news.

It should come as no surprise to us that the enemy has a suffocating hold on the world and that we have been warned to not be part of it for a reason.

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The Curious, Missing Blood Factor

Posted in 05 : Generations X with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/03/2010 by timenolonger

If you have ever researched the Rhesus blood grouping system, you probably already know that there is something mighty peculiar about the rhesus negative status. The Rhesus blood grouping system is differentiated from the ABO system, dealing with separate groups of antigens.

First, to give some foundation information on blood grouping: the ABO blood grouping system reflects whether a person has the antigen “A”, or the antigen “B”, or has both, or neither. “O” simply stands for zero, or “null”, having no A or B antigens.

The Rhesus blood group system contains some 50 different antigens, but the one of great importance is the “D” antigen. It is the D which determines the rh status of an individual.

This, the most immunogenic of the Rhesus factors, is key in knowing what individuals can donate blood or tissue to another without complications. The presence of a D antigen will not be tolerated by a body which does not have it, just as an A or B will not be tolerated by a type O.

Most people do have the D antigen, the function of which is said to not be fully understood in the medical field, though there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it plays a role in cellular respiration facilitation, or the transference of oxygen from the red blood cell to tissue and co2 from tissue to red blood cell.

If you live in the U.S., you have about a 15% chance of not having the D antigen present on the surface of your red blood cells.

This next statistic is highly speculative, (as i have no way of measuring this) but i will venture a guess that if you live in the U.S. and are reading this article, the chances that you are rh negative are better than 70%. I’ll explain that speculation a bit more further on.

The supposition that the scientific community has expected you to believe about the origins of this strange deletion of a blood antigen in some people is that it derives from a completely random mutation of unknown origin.

The blood being as highly resistant to random mutation as it is, it would not seem likely that this accounts for it.

Furthermore… there is no other known anomaly in all of nature that can literally turn a mother’s body against it’s unborn offspring as if it were a foreign entity.

Where it is found in nature, (not referred to as rh status in all species) the absence of a blood antigen in a parent animal which can destroy it’s own fetus that is positive for the antigen, occurs in novelty and hybridized strains, such as mules.

In other words, where man has done some selective breeding of animals, or the breeding of animals which would not naturally breed together, there arises the potential for haemolytic disease.

When we see the body reject some tissue, as it would in the case of organ transplant, we automatically understand that the reason is because the body does not recognize the tissue as it’s own.

Rhesus factor Haemolytic disease is offset these days by a drug called Rhogam, which, just as in the case of organ transplant, is an anti-rejection agent designed to stop the rh negative mother’s body from attacking the rh positive fetus’ body.

In the most dire of circumstances, haemolytic disease will cause the rh positive fetus to be killed by it’s mother’s antibodies… in lesser circumstances, the baby is subject to the possibility of a number a serious congenital deficiencies which might manifest as mental disabilities like schizophrenia.

It has been often reported that there is a list of odd circumstances surrounding rh negative individuals… it’s really very unfortunate that the scientific community does not offer the public great quantities of answers related to these things…

Though it’s not impossible to research some of the findings which relate rh status to certain other characteristics… just try it. More often than not, you will run into documents that are provided by medical journals which you will have to pay to read.

Not all data requires the input of the medical field to observe though… so i will mention a few that the average person can verify for themselves in everyday life.

Rh negative individuals tend to be “Caucasian”… though it is not impossible to find people of African descent with an rh negative status, these people usually have what is referred to a “weak” or inactive D antigen… a D antigen is present but it is dormant and non-functional.

People of Asian origin with rh negative status are almost non-existent. Perhaps in obvious relation to that, rh negatives tend to have blue, green or hazel eye color… though you will find that those eye colors are far more common in rh negative Caucasians than in rh positive ones.

RH negatives think differently… this is from where my speculation on the percentage of those who are reading this comes.

Even if you are unaware of your blood type and you did not access this subject because you are already aware you are rh negative, chances are… you are.

The reason for this is because it is the nature of the rh negative brain to think in an unconventional way. These individuals seek out subject matters which are beyond the scope of average information, socially accepted answers and assumptions.

They tend to gravitate towards challenging information and are not deterred by a sense of something being “too weird” to look into. They accept the “abnormal” and delve into the unknown with fervor, and yet not without a serious bent towards the analytical and technical.

Rh negative people don’t assimilate well… this can be looked at in one of two ways.

Some might see these types in society as individuals who are difficult to get along with, do not follow rules well or fit into the the mainstream of society.

On the other hand, they are greatly resistant to propaganda and do not readily believe the status quo answer to many questions in life.

They might seek beyond the teaching of the normal educational system, and rh negative children tend to become incredibly bored by the structure of teaching in public schools.

The result of this lack of assimilation into “normal” society either seems to produce people who really achieve beyond the norm, or become a complete societal “drop out”.

Rh negative people have strength, but little stamina… there is a tendency in connection with cellular respiration and an endocrine system which functions differently, and the rh negative status.

These people might very well find that they can produce bursts of strength and speed that seem disproportionate to their size, but for a very limited time.

The ability of the adrenals to be kicked into a hyper-drive at the drop of a hat accounts for the bursts of strength and speed, but the lack of a well facilitated system of cellular respiration means that the body exhausts itself quickly.

RH negative people might be more likely to lift a car off of a victim pinned beneath it than run a marathon.

RH negatives have hyper-acute sensory perception… while it might seem magical or mystical to talk about such a thing as “ESP”… in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal is simply a brain which receives at a conscious level, the very smallest stimuli of a normal sense, such as hearing, vision, touch, etc..

Whereas most would only receive these small stimuli on a subconscious level and not process it to be “surface aware” of it… the rh negative individual will more likely recognize these little cues.

Brain waves, as we know, are electrical… they can be heard and they can be felt… but they are not normally perceived. Those who do perceive them would be called “telepathic”.

RH negatives have an innate draw towards spirituality, but also an innate reluctance towards YHWH and Christian scripture…

Those with an Rh negative factor will often find themselves incredibly interested, in an almost instinctive way, in all things “mythological”, pagan and new age. At the same time, there is a pull back from all things which relate to Judeo-Christian teaching.

It is interesting to note that a proven phenomenon called genetic memory might be at work here. The process by which the memory of a hundreds of ancestors throughout history will imprint upon their descendant in their very DNA has been called “The Monarch Effect”.

This makes a tendency toward pagan tradition coming from a bloodline which is the Origin of such, a sensible result. Also interesting to note, is that those rh negatives who do make a decision to follow YHWH often end up being the most zealous and faithful of followers.

I have personally never met any confirmed rh negative individual who called themselves an atheist… a belief in some spiritual reality seems to be ingrained in them.

Rh negative people are drawn to one another… it is incredibly interesting to observe.

It would seem that whether you might attribute it to subtle chemical signals humans unconsciously perceive through smell… or whether it is the recognition of the similar pattern of brain wave stimuli, or simply a case of “birds of a feather”… people of an rh negative status find each other, and stick together.

Perhaps the need to find others who understand them in a world which makes them feel so very different from the “norm” is a great driving force that brings them into each others lives.

There are quite a few other curiosities which surround this blood type… though most of them are much harder to observe or otherwise research.

One of those is the connection between the rh negative status and reports of “alien” abduction, another is the reports of certain whistle-blowers who have accused the CIA and other agencies of keeping a database and tracking those with the negative status throughout their lives.

Understanding that the world is rife with pride, and every person alive has had a pride problem since the fall of man, obviously this often leads those who know they have a negative rh status to find proof of their “specialness”.

I’m not here to uphold anyone’s ego, though… there is nothing “special” about the lack of the D antigen in one’s blood… there is something anomalous about it however.

This blood abnormality derives from angels who “crossed the line”. In all aspects… physically, mentally, spiritually… the result of being rh negative has certain seeming advantages, and some disadvantages, but one is not despised by their Creator based on the origin of their birth, even if that origin was not in His will…in the same way He would not despise the person who was a child born of rape or unmarried parents.

We all have the same choices to make for or against Him. What knowing your rh negative status, and what it means, is able do for you though… is to help you come to terms with the reasons you have felt “different” all along – and to come to understand that your Creator can use what is different about you to work great things in your life for His name’s sake.

From my perspective… i find it particularly awesome when i come across rh negatives who are called to faith in Him.

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The Watchers, The NWO & The Phoenix

Posted in 04 : The Phoenix with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 05/02/2010 by timenolonger

Since I have entitled this category, which deals with the Watchers, “The Phoenix”… I realize that some explanation of that connection might be in order. To understand the way in which the phoenix is a key symbol in relation to Watchers… it’s necessary to first understand the role which the Watchers play in the end of this present age.

The pre-flood world society is looked back upon by pagan tradition and modern occult tradition as the “Golden Age of the Gods”. Perhaps distance (even chronological distance) can, indeed, make the heart grow fonder, as that era is regarded by those who look forward to it with nostalgia… A by-gone utopian time where life was easier and the wisdom of the “gods” was present in the Earth.

The presence of man-eating giants and chimera abominations aside, the proponents of a New World Order are working towards a resurrection of that very society which was drowned in the flood.

Not only is there an expectation of a return to that order… but there is an expectation of the return of “the gods” as well.

The Sumerians referenced this return in connection to what has been speculated to be a planet in a long elliptical orbit which makes its rounds at the close of each epoch… known as Nibiru.

Though I would argue that the nature of that object is not a “planet”, exactly… that is beyond the scope of this article.

The idea that these “gods”, known to the Sumerian as Anunnaki (meaning “they came from heaven to earth”) arrived in conjunction with the arrival of Nibiru, would predict that their return coincides with Nibiru’s next visitation.

1 Enoch gives the length of the subterranean imprisonment of the Watchers as “70 generations of men” . “And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth,” 1 Enoch 10:15.

It is, then, in the time frame of the last days, that the Watchers would entirely fulfill the prophecy which speaks of the last days being just like the days of Noah.

The legendary bird called the phoenix can be found throughout multiple ancient religious beliefs, all of which incorporate several main theme points about what this bird is and does.

The most familiar tale about the phoenix is the idea of this creature immolating itself, or otherwise dying at a specific time and being resurrected or reincarnated from it’s own remains.

The symbolism present in this death and rebirth notion encapsulates three inter-related events which produce a destruction of one age and the birth of another one: a celestial event called precession wherein we depart one zodiacal house and enter a new one, the return of “deities” who have been absent for long millennia, and a dramatic shift of circumstances on Earth.

We are not unable to witness the attachment which the elite hold to the symbolism of the phoenix. The bird representative of the United States is supposedly an eagle, yet it’s recorded that the initial idea was that it should be a phoenix and without a doubt, that is the bird they are truly depicting in their own understanding.

It is a habit of the elite to convey their messages in the open through a language of symbolism, which for the most part goes unnoticed by the public, but is easily understood by those “Illuminated” controllers who are familiar with the ancient language of symbols.

It is a tip-off to anyone paying attention when certain themes become prevalent in society or trendy in fashion. The phoenix is one of those recent trendy symbols to make a come-back.

Multi-cultural legends of a god-bird

The phoenix, in most cultural beliefs, are described as being particularly colorful… combinations of red, gold, blue and purple plumage are common descriptions and often times they are described as being related to or appearing like a peacock.

The peacock itself (and birds in general) is not without ties to the Watchers, in fact a small, obscure and very ancient religion of Watcher worship is practiced by certain Iranians called the Yazidi, who’s pantheon of revered spirits in headed up by the entity they refer to as Melek Tawus, the Peacock Angel.

The Peacock Angel is a being who is comparable in description to “Lucifer” of the bible and is identified as the leader of the rebel Watchers, Shemyhaza.

If you happen to follow fashion trends… you may have noticed a strong presence of peacock decor and clothing in the past couple of years.

According to Greek legend, the Phoenix resided in Phoenicia, a people who’s name, obviously, is derived from the bird itself. To this day, the Lebanese, who are one group of descendants of the Phoenician people have a high regard for the bird in their art and culture.

The Phoenicians themselves claimed descent from the phoenix… which is a claim that should not be taken too lightly as they are a Canaanite people and certainly have descended from nephilim.

The Greeks also have been known to associate the phoenix with their deity Zeus… a deity who was the king of their pantheon and who resided on a mountain.

Though this group of deities are now believed to have been represented as living on what we think of as Mount Olympus, it can be no coincidence that the Watchers, as well, considered their home base on Earth a mountain top… Mount Hermon.

Though it might seem hard to connect a real (and humanoid) being to a strange, magical, mythical bird… it is not so in all cultures that the phoenix was thought to have an avian anatomy.

The Garuda, of Hindi mythology was their equivalent to the phoenix, and this creature was described as having a gold colored, humanoid body and a white face.

The story about him related a tale of the Garuda bringing the “nectar of heaven” to the earth… a Promethean-like legend of a deified being bringing that which belongs to heaven, to an earthly realm is a strong correlation to the forbidden knowledge with Watchers imparted to humanity.

In addition to this, another legend states that the Garuda had several sons from whom descended a “bird race” known for their viciousness and warlike behavior and who had a close relationship to a “serpent race”.

There is no doubt that a description of Watcher and of Serpent hybrids can be seen in this legend. The appearance of Garuda, himself, automatically leads one to think of modern depictions of “angels”.

Egyptian culture also had their stories of the phoenix, which they termed the Bennu, or “the ascending one”. The idea of rising, resurrection and renewal were closely tied with the tales of this bird.

Though the Bennu was depicted often as being a completely birdlike creature, at other times he was shown as a man with the head of a heron.

He was thought of as the soul of Osiris… a deity who died, but would rise again. The Egyptians connected all things related to time cycles with the bennu, and in fact the temple dedicated to the creature produced the ancient equivalent of clocks.

In Persian mythology, the phoenix was called the Simurgh, often shown as a giant peacock-like bird and sometimes as having the claws of a lion or a human face.

Interestingly, the Simurgh was known for its rivalry with serpents… just as rivalry actually exists between the two factions of rebel angel groups, Watchers and Serpents.

It is said that the Simurgh is incredibly ancient and has watched the turning of the ages, the destruction of the old and the renewal, several times.

Mythology about this creature ties to it the concepts of fertility and of representing the union between the heavenly and the earthly realms… an unmistakable likeness to the interbreeding of angels with humankind.

There’s no doubt that the elite Illuminates are in a state of ecstasy anticipating the arrival of their renewed age and the ruler ship of the rebels that they call “gods”.

In their minds… it means that their “superior” bloodline will be elevated to a status of minor deities above the decimated masses of human slaves that they call cattle.

What the “rising of the phoenix” will, in reality, be… is a short but intense trial which will forever draw the dividing lines between who will choose to follow the One True Creator and who will choose to follow the pseudo-christ.

And at the close of this era… we won’t be witnessing a revived “Golden Age” of the mount Hermon “gods”… we will be witnessing the final wrath of YHWH which will burn the phoenix to ashes… never to rise again.

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